Chapter 4: Forever Grey

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Back in the colourless swamp, creatures such as snakes and spiders crawled amongst the soggy dirt and dry tree bark. But none of the creatures were as horrifying as one single entity that was walking across the grayish grounds.

The entity appeared to be dark, cat-like and ghastly, with features such as pointed ears and a long tail. Its amber eyes gave a cold, lifeless stare.

"Finally..." The spirit gave a low meow. "I found a way out of the Spirit Realm. Now it's time to do what needs to be done."

Meanwhile, four other critters were hiding behind a bush after they saw the spirit. They were a family of four snakes, which were common throughout the Swamp.

"What is that thing?!" asked a snake.

"I don't know!" another snake hissed quietly. "It looks so scary!"

The largest of the snakes whispered harshly. "Quit bickering you two. If you keep making noises, we'll be spotted by that...nekomata."

"But Kiri, the creature looks unnatural." said one of the smaller snakes.

Another snake raised its voice. "Hey, that's what I was going to say!"

"If the Great Hebi were still alive, he would pummel us if he were to keep hearing us blabber!" retorted the other snake.


"I'm gonna take a look." one of the snakes peered out of the bush with its slit eyes.

But there was no nekomata in sight. Not even any other creature. Trees were bare, mud was bare, everything was bare.

"What are you all talking about? I didn't see anything!"

The largest snake bursted into laughter. "You missed it, silly! I guess you're not a smart one after all!"

The snake showed its sharp fangs in anger. "Hey! All I did was miss what happened because of all the chatter!"

"SHUSH!!" Kiri's hiss was so loud that it would shake all the trees in the swamp.


There was a sound of rustling. All four snakes were trembling at the sound, as they had no knowledge of what was in the bush with them.

"Everyone be quiet..." rasped Kiri.

The group of four suddenly see a pair of glowing amber eyes behind them, which appeared to be the same as what the feline spirit had. Was it the same entity?



The group all screamed at the tops of their lungs as they slithered out of the bush as fast as they could, making them all look like waves in the dirt after they heard the unknown voice.

The figure slinked out of the bush and is revealed to be Hairo, a nekomata from the Spirit Realm. He appeared to resemble a black cat with a white diamond on his forehead, and a pair of sunlit amber eyes with unfriendly slit pupils. However, his tails were a dead giveaway that he was no ordinary cat. Just like any other nekomata, he had two. His voice sounded like the cracking of dry tree branches.

"Now, where was I?"

Hairo turned around and continued to make his way out of the swamp.

"Now, where in the world is Sakuya? She's supposed to come with me! Oh, that wretched...friend of mine...if I can call her a friend..."

But I do not have friends...

Another shadowy figure appeared; it was a female. She also appeared to be feline and with a black coat. Her eyes were a very pale shade of yellow.

"You called?" she asked.

"Oh, speak of the Kami, it's you! What took you so long, Sakuya?" Hairo retorted.

"It's nothing. I was going to make some sort of surprise landing or something."

"Well then, let's go. We have some...things to do here."

"Like what?"

"You know! We're going to seek Noroi and her bird, then make a rather unpleasant surprise on those pathetic Onmyoujin!"

"Ooh, this is going to be fun."

"That's right. Now, let's get moving!"

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