Chapter 27: Red Lily

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"We meet again, my friend."

Ava was numb with astoundment and awe. She was drawn to the figure's pale, moon-like face glazed with rosy cheeks and deep red lips, and especially her shining sapphire eyes that peered through round, brass-rimmed frames of glasses. Upon the graceful silver curls of her hair were a white lily hair ornament with a gold tassel, its petals lined with mahogany, and large ginger ears shaped like rose leaves. Contrary to last night's two-piece kosode and hakama and white nightclothes, her outfit this time was made up of a full, deep crimson kimono with a blossoming quince print, a deeper robe that covered her shoulders and sleeves, white knee-high silk stockings, and zouri sandals made from the wood of a very old cherry blossom tree. On her chest was a pink magatama, which Ava recognised as the amulet she gifted her back when they both were young. Her sleek tail gracefully curled around her lap.

Ava could tell that she shared some likeness with Malorie.

"'s you."

She remembered that Lilie was an umber-haired, slender young lady back then, but even with a wider, curvier shape, subtle lines under her eyes and on her snout as well as locks of hair turned grey, she retained her goddess-like aura and friendly presence. She thought the elder gijinka had also descended from the divine, just like her own family was from sun goddess Amari.

"Even in old age you are still very beautiful."

Lilie smiled with pure bliss, her celestial eyes glimmering. She held Ava close in an embrace, letting her feel the vibrations of her gentle purrs as the tenneko rested her head on her shoulder. Eva approached her, rubbing her head against her leg like a cat would do. Both twins caught the early septuagenarian's sweet scent of lilies and peonies.

"You've grown up to be a lovely queen...just like I have."

Where there would be the retained innocence and naivety of a young girl just like three decades ago, instead there was wisdom, especially that of a woman who aged gracefully. Some would even say that Lilie is much more beautiful as an old lady.

Malorie, Tia, and Hana were all asleep on the futon in a circular arrangement, like both Malorie and Hana were creating the Symbol of Equilibrium on Onmyou's coat of arms, or the yin-yang, as it is mostly known in the real world. Tia curled up like a much smaller cinnamon bun in the middle of their ring.

As Tia felt faint light emitting from the Friendship Heart on her face, she woke up. The jewel on Malorie's wrist was in front of her, glowing faintly like a nightlight. She looked around: this wasn't Balmoral at all. They were still in Onmyou, though Tia and the girls didn't know they were transported there whilst sleeping. She used her paws to rub Malorie's shoulder in order to wake her up. "Mal, wake up."

Malorie opened one sleepy blue eye. To her, Tia looked like a fuzzy, oddly-shaped sandy and white blob with something pink around it, but after she rubbed the rheum out of her eyes she could see Tia more clearly now.

"Where are we? Are we-"

"We're still here..." barked Tia.

Lilie turned to face the giant futon, both her paws on Ava's furry coffee cream-hued back. "We've teleported here whilst all of you were sleeping. Thankfully I've already made you, as well as my lovely Malorie and Hana delicious breakfast right after they awoke for some time, but afterwards it seems like all of you were so tired you fell back asleep!" she chuckled.

Ava was just purring away on Lilie's lap, her legs relaxed and tail slowly swinging like she was just a normal house cat rather than a monarch.

Richi stepped up after he awakened, yawning and stretching out his front legs. This prompted Lilie to reach out a paw and stroke his head.

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