Chapter 24: Eternal Warm Hug

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"Hah! Very funny Kristopher, I just found out you have a secret talent for fishing and that's great of you! W-where's Elizabeth, by the way?! The snow producing gal, amazing dancer earlier-"

"Ah, heh, excuse her, she drank too much of that Norwegian liquor, she needs her break, heh... Akvavit, was it? Yeah, she's intense... " Kristoff chuckled nervously, smiling cautiously at the guards as he held the drunk strawberry blond-haired princess.

One of the guards raised an unamused brow, then suddenly saluted once a certain platinum blond queen nodded to him, confirming that he's dismissed.

"Good evening, Kristoff." She said rather too sweetly, "I see you have my sister... Say, how many shots of Akvavit did she take?" She sternly asked.

Kristoff gulped, "Yeah.. ten?"

Elsa sighed, "Bring her in. I'm taking her."

"Exhausted from that dance?" Kristoff asked. "You have no idea, Aiden had to lead me." Elsa replied tiredly, taking her sister from Kristoff, "Off you go then, dear brother, she's in safe hands. Go before she calls you Kristopher... Again."

Kristoff laughed, nodding and hugged her good night, walking away to his respective room. Once he was out of earshot, Anna moved away from her sister, standing up normally.

"So, how was the dance?" Anna suddenly perked up, adjusting her dress and fixing her hair.

"I knew the festival can wear you down so you'll have to pretend to be drunk even if you're not weak against Akvavit so you could find an excuse to go home early. Aha." Elsa snickered slyly, "How genius of you, seriously."

Anna flatly stared at her, "You didn't answer my question, but hey, Akvavit is mild for me. Now, spill."

"Alright, alright. Now the townspeople or might as well the entirety of Arendelle knows that I'm in love with Prince Aiden of the Northern Isles, so.."

"So, what? They looked pretty happy."

"Oh Anna, they are. And they'll also be pretty hyped up for me to marry him quickly." Elsa sighed.

"They might be our subjects, but I'm sure Elsa of Arendelle, my own sister, is not persuadable, okay? And besides, that dance was amazing!"

"Well, I'm glad you like it." Elsa smiled, then yawned. "I'm just going to be by the kitchen if you need me..."

"Oh, yeah sure! I'm pretty sure fire boy is in there too, huh?" Anna laughed.

"Haha, very funny. I might as well believe you're actually drunk..."

Anna bursted laughing at her sister's last statement, walking away.

Elsa then turned around to see if she was still around, her blue nightgown swaying as she moved. She chuckled to herself, muttering in her breath, "Not bad Anna." She muttered as she went to the kitchen, only to find Aiden sitting in front of the counter.

He is now wearing a simple white shirt, with cute striped pajamas that left Elsa snickering hilariously.

"Good evening." Aiden greeted energetically, holding Elsa's hand, kissing it. Elsa blushed, "Hm, not bad. The fire prince is a night owl like his queen." she sat beside him, playing with his hand.

Aiden stared at her in mock disbelief, "I am no early sleeper, snowflake. And, you're awake, so.."

Elsa laughed, giggling. Both of them laughed like fools, their laughter echoing through the halls.

Aiden gazed up at her face, smiling, "You're really breathtaking when you laugh, or smile, or even when you smirk..."

"You've told me this like, for the twentieth time today."

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