Chapter 7

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A Few Hours Earlier

Jungkook had an unbothered expression as he looked into the mirror. He was wearing a silk maroon shirt and pants so tight that he could barely walk. He couldn't deny it though, he looked hot. Jin reminded him of that every second.
"You look good Jungkook." He said for the 10th time today.
"I know, you already told me." Jungkook sighed, this whole thing was a pain.

At least he could admire Jin as he was wearing a black silk shirt and blue jeans. Apart from that, Jungkook was nervous. I mean who knows what could happen? Jungkook checked his watch and started panicking as he realized the party was starting soon. Of course, they brought a change of clothes, it is a pool party, Jungkook didn't think he'd be doing much swimming though. After all, he doesn't know how to swim. He didn't dare tell Jin though, it was a really embarrassing secret, to him anyways. The only people who knew he couldn't swim were his parents and Jimin.

Speaking of Jimin, Jungkook hasn't heard from him since he had that talk with Namjoon he hoped he was ok.

"Time to go," Yoongi said, as he cautiously entered the room while covering his eyes.
"We're dressed," Jin told him, Yoongi opened his eyes.
"Let's go." He said. Yoongi seemed to be the one who always drove the gang around. Jungkook entered the backseat of the elegant car and clasped a seatbelt around himself while Jin just slid inside, right next to Jungkook not bothering to put his seatbelt on. (Wear your seatbelt kids) Jungkook shivered as Jin's leg touched his, he didn't know why Jin had such an effect on him.

Yoongi drove carefully and calmly, he pulled into the driveway of the pool party. Jungkook looked up at the house and gawked it was almost bigger than Jin's mansion, but it was more modern on the outside and more bright on the inside. Jungkook suddenly got a flashback of his days when he worked at the bar. With the same heat and the same smell, he soon got a headache. He already hated it here.
"I wanna go home." He whined, Jin chuckled and led him and Jungkook to a free bathroom so they can get changed.
"I'm not changing in front of you!" Jungkook shrieked, Jin laughed and closed his eyes as he turned away from Jungkook. Jungkook hurriedly changed into his swimming trunks. He turned around when Jin did the same, Jungkook gulped and drooled as he looked at Jin's abs, he had a six-pack and a tattoo of a sword engulfed in flames running down his side and traveling to his back. That was the first time Jungkook noticed the tattoo, surprisingly. I mean he's seen it before but he'd never bothered looking at it in detail.
"Like what you see?" Jin asked, Jungkook blushed and sputtered. But jumped as he heard a voice,
"Boss, this isn't the time for flirting." The voice came from a small headpiece Jin was wearing. Jungkook recognized it to be Namjoon's.

The earpiece was barely noticeable, it looked like an earring. Jungkook marveled at the technology, he's never seen anything like it.

Jin scoffed and led Jungkook out of the bathroom and to the common area where various people were drinking alcohol out of red solo cups, and others were splashing into the pool. And some people were just relaxing on chairs. A few women, that were dressed quite skimpy, hardly wearing anything as a bathing suit. (Btw I don't judge women lol. I'm one myself, I just wrote this part because I wanted to) Showed their flirtatious looks to Jin, who demonstrated no interest. Jungkook was relieved that Jin wasn't interested.
"You see those girls, people like that disgust me," Jin said, Jungkook smiled and replied.
"They disgust me too." Jungkook made a disgusting face and Jin held in a snicker. Jin's eye suddenly caught hold of a man he was quite familiar with.
"Go get us some drinks while I try prying information out of this guy," Jin said.
"Okay," Jungkook said, startled. He almost forgot that this was a job. Jungkook made his way over to the table where all the alcohol was placed and his face shriveled up in disgust. He hated alcohol, that's what years of working at a bar could do to you.

Copper Heart // Jinkook AU Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora