Spinel nods as I'm explaining, but then I notice her eyes shift down to my lips and that she hesitantly touches her own. Oh no. Amethyst has gotten that ingrained into her head now! I'll have to noogie my little sis when I get back to the Temple.

Sooner or later, I'm able to wipe the blush off my face from Amethyst's teasing and upon looking up, I see that I've gotten us to where I wanted. It's truly a magnificent redesign of a place that I always thought was spectacular. Looking over at Spinel's wide eyes though, it's clear who's the more amazed out of the two of us.

Spinel's P.O.V

Wow, so many colors, shapes it's all so wonderful. Pink, no wonder you tried to protect this planet. It truly is something special just like your son. "This is Funland?"

"Yeah! It used to be smaller than what it is now. There's rides, games, and food." Steven takes me further in.

I gaze around at all the stands around me, but something catches my eye and Steven notices. It's a toy shaped like my gem. "You want that?" Steven asks as I nod my head.

He takes my hand and goes up to the stand where a darker skinned human appears with a creepy wide smile on his face.

"Hey Mr. Smiley," Steven smiled pulling out an item that contained green paper.

"Steven! What brings you around? You want to play?" He asks.

Steven nods and hands the paper to the human as he gives him these sharp tools that are supposed to pop these 'balloons' as what Steven calls them. Steven then reaches back and throws this sharp object at one of the balloons, popping it with a rather loud and frightening noise. I visibly jump, but Steven assures me it's alright and gets back to throwing more, since that's apparently how this game works. Sometimes though, I wish I wouldn't get so scared by such simple things, but then again, I would miss out on having Steven's warm gestures placed on me. So maybe somethings are just left as they are.

Steven pops two more of these 'balloon' objects, evidently ending the game/winning it, and asks the dark-skinned human for the object that caught my eye. The organic smiles, takes it down from its place and then hands it to Steven, who then hands it to me. The material is so soft that it surpasses the rumors of Blue Diamond's being the most heavenly material.

I squeeze it with such sudden joy and begin to cry. I'm the happiest I've been in a very, very long time and it's all thanks to the cute hybrid standing mere feet away. Once I revel in the moment for a minute or two, I then hug Steven harder than ever before, but not so much as I'd be cutting off his oxygen supply. I can feel his heart thumping quite fast, faster than what is usually normal for humans but I'm not going to worry too much about it since I'm having such a great time. Heck, we just got here, so I can only imagine how much more fun will be ahead for the both of us!

Steven's P.O.V:

My face feels like it's practically on fire. Her head against my chest, her arms around me. She's so adorable like this that I don't even want to break the moment. "Glad you enjoy your prize, but the fun doesn't stop there."

"It doesn't?" Spinel looks up at me with curiosity.

I shake my head, grinning, "The fun has only just begun." Something then catches my eye off in the near distance and another good idea forms in my head.

"Say Spinel, have you ever ridden on a Ferris Wheel before?" I ask her, gently turning her around so that she sees it just as I do.

"No. What is this 'Wheel of Ferris' you speak of?" Spinel replies, excitement rising in her voice.

"Well, it's something that's best experienced firsthand rather than discussed about" I say, carefully crafting my answer, "So, yay or nay?".

"I don't know what either of those words mean, but yay sounds better so I'll go with that" She responds.

"Alright then, let's get there before the lines fill up!" I urge eagerly.

"Okay!" I take her hand as we rush over.

Am I really going to do this? I know it's only been a few days since she's been here on Earth. I can't help but feel this connection to her and it's driving me crazy. Through my depression, she made it better. Spinel may have tried to kill me in our first meeting, but now she's the cutest and sweetest gem right next to Lapis.

The operator of the ride allows us on as we both take a seat. He shuts the door and turns the ride on. We begin to ascend to the top as Spinel looks around in awe. The sun was setting over the ocean water, which made my plan even more genius.

The Ferris Wheel then stops and miraculously, it's right at the very top, right where I want it to be. From my seat across from her, I gaze at how pretty and cute Spinel looks from her twin ponytails to her pink gloves and shoes. It's all too real for me at this moment but the stars have aligned just this once to give me this chance. So, here we go...

"Spinel..." I begin, getting her attention.

"Yes, Steven?" She replies, aligning our eyes.

"I don't know the absolute best way to put this, but ever since that moment we shared on the Injector, I've felt a certain, special feeling towards you. It's one that I've never felt for anyone else as long as I've lived. Through the past week, it's only grown and grown, and now, I feel them more than ever" I say, beginning to lean forward.

Spinel gasps slightly upon hearing this and begins to lean forward herself as well.

"Spinel..." I say, my voice low and passionate, "I lo-".

Suddenly, the car tips backwards and Spinel begins to fall out. I then surge forward and grab her by the hand, yanking her my direction. It works for a second, but then I start to fall out my side. Determined to not let anything happen, Spinel grabs my other hand and yanks me forwards. Together, we both collide in the center, our lips pressed against each other in a soothing kiss while we both keep our balance.

My arms wrap around her, she does the same in return. My whole world faded away, replacing it with Spinel. Minutes, it felt like hours. We finally stopped and pulled away from each other, our hands never letting go of each other. "I love you too, Steven," Spinel grins, her cheeks pink.

I then sink to the floor, Spinel coming down with me as she cuddles into my chest. Resting my head sideways on top of hers, I close my eyes and take in the silky softness of her hair and the faint scent of cotton candy, seeing as we stopped to get some along the way. I was scared for my life there, but I guess fate has a way of showing itself. I'm just glad she was there for me. Like she always has been.

Eventually, the ride started again and went around a couple times, but not for one second did I ever let go of my precious Spinel. She's too cute and innocent for this world and I'd risk my life any second to see that she stays that way.

Our car then returned to the loading bay and the two of us got off, heading back down into the park. We're holding onto each other so much that those we pass can't help but "Awww" at us. They're embarrassing, but I'll let it slide for the sake of how I feel right now. Spinel and I then come to nice stopping point and looks at me with literal heart eyes.

"C-Could we k-k-kiss again?" She stutters beautifully. I smile and lean close.

"For you, always" I say, before gently grabbing a hold of her cheeks and connecting our lips once more.

All you Stevinel fans, there's your fan service! Me and King both have been eagerly awaiting to finally give you guys this chapter. I apologize for the lack of updates, work and life are crap sometimes. Hope you all enjoyed this fluffy, lovey, dovey chapter we've given you and we'll see you guys in the next chapter. Laters.

For real tho, me and this man right here really brought the cuteness for y'all. KingMythLord speaking and may I say that it's absolutely amazing to see all the support and kind words that y'all have been giving this story. We'll continue to do our best and give it our all, so stay tuned for Chapter 7. Until next time though, bye!

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