Episode 27

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*WORTH THE WAIT Episode 27*

        ❤️ *Phateemah Taheer* ❤️


You know how they say your whole life flashes before you when you are about to die,that's exactly how Aryana's face kept flashing in my eyes.

Memories of her just kept coming to me. I kept picturing her smiling cutely, walking gracefully towards the MC as he called upon her to give the biography of the bride. I  heard her talk for about fives minutes about the bride and groom but her voice i can't recall because i was zoomed out of this planet by her grace....

"Saliih this is a mess man, my cousin likes you and you like Aryana???My wife's sister??".....Ahmad said still sounding shocked.

"She is Nadia's sister....like blood sister?".....I asked in shock...."oh yea, now i can see the resemblance"....I added.

"This is a mess....What do i tell Aseeya now?".....Ahmad wondered.

"Tell her the truth, that i'm taken...because by Allah i don't just like Aryana, i think i might be falling in love with her right now"....I said and took a deep breath.

"Wow....what do we do now?".....Ahmad asked wondering.

"Help me out man, she's basically your sister now too since she's your wife's sister....Talk to her for me, please, i just want a chance to meet her".......I said rumbling like i never have before.

"Ok, lets pray, have lunch, and then after Magrib prayer we can go see her, i promised Nadia yesterday night when she wouldn't stop crying that i would take her to go see her parents today, so i guess we can cease that opportunity"....Ahmad said and i felt so relieved.

"Ok, but i have to go to the airport after prayers and lunch, my flight is tonight, but i have contacted the ticketing agent to make a few changes and he could only get a seat for me on next tomorrow's flight, you know it's holiday season and all the flights are booked fully and if i don't go by the day after tomorrow i ll be stuck here till  in about 15days which is when i ll get a flight that's not full".....I said.

"Ok then"....Ahmad said and we stood up to go to the masjid.


I haven't been myself since this morning, finally the time has come. I stood in front of the mirror wearing a light brown Getzner and a dark brown zanna bukar (a traditional northern cap worn with Kaftan). My heart kept beating so fast in fear and anticipation.

We got to Aryana's house at 7pm. Nadia didn't hesitate and ran into the huge building. I slowly tagged along behind Ahmad as we made our way into the huge parlor.

Aryana's father was about to have dinner on the dinning table when we entered and he didn't waste time in inviting us to join him.

Aryana came in wearing an ash long gown and tying a silky headwrap loosely on her head...."Mamana please bring more plates, we have guests".....Her father said to her.

"ok Abba, Sannunku da zuwa"....She said smiling and dashed into the kitchen to get more plates.

She came back in less than a minute and began to serve the food...."Ahmad takura maka tayi sai ka kawo ta koh?"....She asked smiling.

Ahmad didnt say a word and just laughed a bit.

My eyes were glued on Aryana as i felt her father's gaze on me..

"Ahmad bako kayi ne?"....Aryana's father asked.

"Eh Abba, this is my friend Saliih, he came from London for my wedding".....Ahmad said smiling.

"Nice to meet you Saliih, please feel at home"....He said and exited the dinning area.

"Aryana i hope Nadia is as good a cook as you"....Ahmad asked as he ate the food..

"yes she definitely is, just a bit lazy sometimes".....Aryana said smiling.

"Umma bata nan ne?".....Ahmad asked...."She's upstairs, Nadia is with her".....She replied while clearing the plates her father finished using and dashed to the kitchen with them.

"What do i say to her?".....I asked Ahmad nervously.

She came back before Ahmad could reply.

"Aryana do you know Ahmad, may be you two met during the wedding?".....Ahmad asked her.

"No gaskiya, but i think remember his face from yesterday,he was the one that prayed before we left your house yeah?".....She said gently.

"yea exactly"....Ahmad replied...

"Well his name is Saliih and he wouldn't shut up about you"....Ahmad said my heart skipped a beat.

"Allah sarki"....She said smiling..."Very nice to meet you Saliih"....She said getting up...."Let me call Umma ku gaisa".....She said and left without waiting for a reply.

I felt my heart sinking...."Thats bad, i think she hates me or something.

"Noo man, Ary isn't like Nadia, she is a very shy girl, but i ll talk to her"....Ahmad said.

I kept staring at the food but couldn't eat it even though it smelled and tasted nice....Aryana's mother voice was what brought me back to life.

We exchanged pleasantries and she counseled Nadia and Ahmad once again about being patient with eachother and remember that marriage is a form of religion and shouldn't be joked with, she welcomed me nicely and even prayed for me to find a righteous spouse which i thanked her for.

We all got up to leave when Ahmad asked Nadia to call Aryana so they can say goodbye.

Aryana came down smiling and Ahmad used that opportunity to talk to her...

"Aryana you haven't said anything about my friend"....Ahmad said sounding serious.

"Ahmad, you are my brother-in-law, but before that you were my friend. You were my friend even before you and Nadia became a thing, i told you all that had happened and what i am doing now, which is building my career since i am done with school, tell your friend i'm sorry".....Aryana said looking sad and turned away before i could convince her or say anything.

Nadia, Ahmad and i stood there, baffled by what happened as we watched Aryana go back inside.

"Saliih, i ll talk to her....My sister has had bad experiences with guys in the past,she is just scared....She feels so damaged and is scared to love, but i ll talk to her".....Nadia said a bit sad.

We left soon afterwards....Through out the ride to my hotel i couldn't utter a word. I was depressed by what happened and angry at myself for letting myself fall for her.

"Here's her number, i think it'd be better if she hears from you and gets to know the real sweet soul that you are...i know she will be mad at me for this, but i know it ll be worth it in sha Allah".....Nadia said handing me a piece of paper with Nadia's number on it.

"Thank you Nadia, i wont forget this"....I said with sincere gratitude in my voice.

I entered my hotel room feeling so dejected. I sat on the bed deciding whether to call Ariana now or wait till the next day....."Screw it, i'm calling her now"....I said and dialed her number.

It rang for almost forever before she finally answered...."Salamualaikum"....She said and my heart froze.

Next Episode coming soon.

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WORTH THE WAITOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora