Episode 22

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*WORTH THE WAIT Episode 22*

        ❤️ *Phateemah Taheer* ❤️

*Nadia's POV*

Nothing gives me joy like children, i love children so much that i cant even explain it.

Its been almost a month since the incidence with Ameer. I visit his family every week to find out how he is doing, and i have disturbingly become so fond of him and his grand mother.

All my life i have been known for my blabber mouth, but this is something i have kept a secret to myself.

"Who owns all these Chocolate in your bag".....Aryy said holding my bag.

"and what were you doing going through my bag, ajiya kika bani (did you give me something to keep for you)?".....i said angry while pulling my bag away from her grasps.

"You have been hiding something, you are terrible at it, so its showing all over your face that you have been up to something".....Aryyy said conclusively.

"You can think what you want to think"....I said picking up my veil from the bed and the keys from the night stand.

"I'm going out too, so whatever secret mission you have to go do, you have to wait for me to come back, or you can come let me give you a lift"....Aryy said seizing the keys.

"Ariana i need to go out and you have to give me those keys"......I shouted.....

"Make me"....Ariana said starring at me without blinking.

"Ariana today is Friday and its the only day Ameer is home, please let me have the keys"......I said yelling and pleading at the same time.

"ohhh Ameer....Who is Ameer, a guy, you are visiting a guy....Nadia are you for real, i thought you have sense, i thought you knew better".....Ariana said shouting at the top of her voice.

"Stop yelling moron, i may be lousy but i'm not an idiot...Ameer is the five year old i hit a month ago and have been checking up on, i didn't say anything because Umma will think i'm reckless and stop letting me drive".....I said.

"You are becoming responsible, i'm impressed...Today i'm a proud sister...Anyway, its not as if i'm going anywhere important...Let me go with you".....Ariana said.

"ok lets go"....I said

we drove out of the house with me feeling like a heavy weight has been lifted off my chest.I feel totally secret free.

Today has to be my last day visiting Ameer's house, or my heart might not be able to control the hatred for his uncle that keeps blooming in my heart.

Next Episode coming soon.

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