You: What is this?

John: I don't really know to be honest with you. Are you ready to talk?

You: Fuck you.

The liquid continues to burn into your wrists.

John: So be it. What's this?

He pulls out your keychain from his pocket.

John: Some sign or something? Doesn't seem very likely that you would just carry this around.

You: Just put it back in my pocket and I won't have to hurt you.

John: I think I'm going to keep it as a trophy.

You: I'm going to get out and kill everyone here.

John: You will? All by yourself.

You: How many are there?

John: Hmm... Fifty-two, I think. Including me.

You: And you're all spread out around the place. Not in a central location. Should be easy.

John: If you aren't willing to talk, I'll just bring the girl in.

You: Huh?

John: I was going to give you the chance to talk before her. Since you didn't though... Maybe we'll cut her other leg off.

You: Don't you touch her!

John: Or what? You gonna kill all of us? Fat chance.

He punches you unconscious.


You slowly come to, in a cell. You can hear distant screams of multiple people in pain. The smell something odd burning reaches your nose. You quickly cover it. The place is lit up a dark shade of red.

You: I'm actually in hell.

You look down and see a small piece of bread and a little water. You quickly devour it. It isn't much, but you haven't eaten in days.

You look down at your wrists and see how raw they are. A mix of blood and puss leak out of them. You touch one of them and instantly regret it.

You: RGH. Shit!

Your eyes start to water from the pain.

You: What could do this?

Your eyes widen at the fact they'll use it on Clem. You have to get out of here.

Unknown: Up trash!

At the door of your cell a woman stands with a rifle.

Woman: Get up!

She hits the cell with her rifle. You stand up and walk towards the gate.

Woman: No funny business.

She opens the gate and you walk out. You aren't stupid enough to try escaping without information. You don't know where you are, who's watching, the way out. There is a whole list of things you should know before trying to get out.

You walk past cell after cell. Some harboring dead, and some holding Walkers.

You: You guys are into some weird shit.

Woman: Shut up!

The woman hits the back of your head lightly with her rifle, but it's hard enough to hurt.

You: You should work on your manners.

You can tell by the air she lets out of her mouth after your response that she's over your crap. No sense in trying to make her mad anymore.

She walks you to a courtyard where you're met with at least twenty people. They look at you.

Woman: We got a fresh one.

She turns and walks out closing a gate behind her.

It's nighttime and the fires from this place light the sky red; just like where the cells are.

Unknown: Hey, come here!

You see a group of people not too far off waving to you. They look awful. They're starving, facial hair growing uncontrollably, faces covered in dirt and ash. You decide to walk over. What are they going to do to you?

Unknown: Hey, what's your name? I'm Charlie. This is Tom, and this is Jarren.

You: Y/N.

Charlie: Nice to meet you.

Jarren: Very.

Tom: Why are you here?

You: Have no clue.

Jarren: We're prisoners of war.

You: War?

Charlie: Have you not heard?

You: Heard what?

Charlie: It's an all-out fight between five different communities.

You: I stay to myself. Try not to get mixed up in that kind of thing.

You look around the courtyard hoping to find Clem but can't see her.

Tom: They won't come get you. You're the biggest guy in here right now. That'll change after a few weeks of barely eating though.

They think you're worried about the other people.

You: I was just wondering where the women were.

Jarren: Trying to get laid in prison?

You: I'm gonna pretend like I know what that means. No, I was looking for someone.

Charlie: They're put in another courtyard.

You: Fuck.

Tom: Did you and your lady friend get brought in here together?

You: Yeah. We're going to get out of here together too.

They gasp and step away from you.

You: What?

Something hits your back and an electric pulse is sent through your body. You don't have the strength to stay awake and pass out.

Grant: You're so fucked bro.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now