Chapter 18

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Mal's P.O.V 

     I walked over to Uma as she continued to eat a slice of Phoenix's birthday cake with Celia doing the same sitting beside her. I looked around the cottage noticing Phoenix wasn't anywhere to be seen, which made me a little worried " That was a really good idea to check Audrey's room. Now we know we're on the right track " I said hiding my concern for Phoenix...Well more like trying not to panic because that wasn't gonna get us anywhere " Is there an insult in there that I missed? " Uma asked causing me to chuckle slightly " I wanted to thank you " I said before continuing to look for Phoenix. I pretty much searched the whole perimeter  of the cottage and she was no where to be found " I can't find Phoenix, she's like no where around here " I said slightly panicked as Uma looked at me mimicking my expression " Okay calm down she probably just went for a walk and I'm sure she'll be back soon...I hope " she said calming me down a bit, but I was still extremely worried...Where could she be? 

Meanwhile with Audrey

No one's P.O.V 

      Audrey looked into her scepter at Mal, Uma, and Celia in frustration " No! You think you're on the right track? You're not going anywhere " she said before turning to Chad with a mischievous look in her eyes " Let's rough them up a little " Audrey continued as Chad cowered slightly basically wanting to do anything but that " I say we go back to my place and maybe binge watch some TV. Huh? or maybe order some stuff online? Yeah? Yeah what about pizza, Huh? You don't like pizza. Salad? no no no, No! Audrey! Audrey! " Chad yelled as Audrey locked him in the pantry before laughing and walking away. 

Back with Mal, Uma and Celia

Mal's P.O.V 

        Uma kept eating the cake as I stood there slightly fidgeting wondering where Phoenix could be " I don't know whose birthday it is, but I want this cake " Uma exclaimed as we ate another slice of cake. My mind was still on Phoenix and wondering if she was safe or if she went to find Carlos...I hoped it was either of those things " So I maybe kinda missed the boat a little bit on calling you shrimpy and not letting you join the gang " Mal said as Uma looked to me laughing a bit " Yeah. We really could've torn up the Isle together. Oh! " Uma said as some boards appeared on the windows and doors trapping us in the cottage. Uma and I jumped out of our seats " Celia!" Uma calls as she looked around " We're trapped! " she shouts before heading to us before Evie and Doug appeared " Are you guys okay? What's going on?  and Where's Phoenix? " Evie asked as I turned to her " I hoping she's with Carlos...I don't know when she left " I said before stepping forward and my eyes glowed green " You caused my friends pain and fear we've had enough now disappear " I said but the boards didn't move causing me to get a little panicked " You guys my spells aren't working, Audrey's magic is getting stronger " Uma then stood by my side her shell necklace was glowing. 

      I took Uma's hand in mine and then we turned towards the boards " You've caused our friends pain and fear, we've had enough now disappear! " We said in unison and this time the Boards started falling off the windows and doors.  Evie then turned to us with a soft smile " You did it, together,  this is what I've been talking about " she said as Uma turned to me with a slight smile fiddling with her necklace " I guess my shell likes you " Uma said before pulling out my father's ember out from her shell " Why don't you hold on to that? " she said as I slipped the ember into my pocket for safe keeping " Now we just have to find Phoenix " I said concern lacing my voice just as Celia ran up to the door before turning around " I think I found her and hey looks like she found  your bae  " she said before we all ran out side as the guys, Janis, and Phoenix were walking up to the house. I ran up to hug Phoenix " Thank god you're alright, please don't leave without telling us " I said as she laughed before intertwining her hands with Carlos's " I'm pretty sure Carlos has the protective nature down I don't need to hear that from two people " She said before pushing me towards Ben with a slight smile. 

Phoenix's P.O.V 

       I watched as Mal embraced Ben with a slight smile before leaning into Carlos's embrace who seemed a little nervous. Ben looked towards Uma with his usual smile " I always knew you'd be part of the solution " he said before turning to Janis " And I prefer it if you don't lay a hand on Phoenix or her family " he continued as she put her hands up in surrender and backed away a bit " I won't, because I'm pretty sure Carlos will come after me if I do " she said casting a glance to Carlos who wrapped an arm around my waist protectively. Mal turned to Ben " What's is this? " she said motioning to her fiance's beard as Ben felt his face " I could get used to this " Mal said smiling as Uma looked at him " What about those " she said motioning to his fangs causing Mal to back up a bit before getting down to business " So, We think Audrey's at fairy cottage has Audrey ever taken there? " Mal asked as I fiddled my necklace the image of my parents being stone burned into the back of my mind " Every Fairy Godmother's Day " Ben replied " Where's Fairy Godmother when you need her " Ben asked aloud as I frowned to myself " I wish I knew, No doubt she received Jane's call but I don't think she got the wand time. She's probably asleep or turned to stone by now " I said solemnly as Jay gave a look to Carlos while Ben did the same thing making me confused. 

        Carlos gently took my hand leading my away from the group making me even more confused than I already was. He looked like he was about to faint any second and that made me concerned " Um...Babe are you okay? " I asked confusion and concern lacing my tone as Carlos nodded never once letting go of my hand " Yeah! " he said wiping his free hand on his pants clearly nervous " I just-I uh- I just wanted to ask you something " he said as I looked at him curiosity coursing through my veins.  Carlos pulled a box out of his pocket and knelt down on one knee. At that moment my breath got caught in my throat " Phoenix, I know that now isn't really the best of times to do this, but I can't wait any longer. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don't want you to have to worry about anything and I want to wake up to you every morning so Phoenix Hood will you marry me? " He said opening a box revealing  a ring in the shape of a flower with a emerald jewel in it making me smile. I honestly had no word all of my breath was sucked out of me " Oh Carlos, I honestly don't know what to say.... " I said tears pricking my eyes " I knew this was a bad time, I mean Ben just proposed to Mal and you're about to go to college and- " He said as I rolled my eyes pulling him in for a passionate kiss just to shut him up " Carlos Oscar De Vil look at me! I would love to marry you....Hell I want to marry you I really do I would take you as my husband any day of the year " I said tears streaming down my cheeks as he dipped me kissing me deeply before sliding the ring on my finger " Happy Birthday Baby girl " he whispered as I smiled at him wiping the tears from my eyes " Thanks now let's go show the others " I said as he intertwined his hand with mine kissing my cheek before we made our way back to the group 

       We made our way back to the group with big smiles on our faces as Mal and Evie came running towards me looking at my ring " He finally asked you to marry him!? " Mal asked as Evie gave me a knowing look as I sighed pulling my hand away from them " You two knew didn't you?" I asked as they nodded grinning ear-to-ear as Ben walked up to me and pulled me in for a hug. I hugged back and Honestly this has just made my birthday so much better " I hope you're not mad that we're kind of stealing the spotlight from you and Mal " I said as he chuckled pulling away " Phoenix, we all knew Carlos was planning on proposing on your birthday. I told him what ring you'd prefer and he made it from his 3D printer " Ben said as I rolled my eyes at him before Janis made her way towards me "Congrats Hood " she said smiling slightly crossing her arms over her chest.  Mal and Evie walked over to me with smirks " Why do you think we kept dropping hints when Mal and Ben got engaged " Evie said laughing as Jay came over to me hugging me " Congrats and you know we would love to celebrate this joyous moment right now but we're running out of time " He said as I nodded still smiling before heading over to Carlos intertwining my hand with his " Celebrations put off until we take down Audrey " I said as he frowned but nodded anyway before we all followed Ben to fairy cottage. 

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