Chapter 7

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Phoenix's P.O.V

     I sighed looking through my closet for something to wear for my Birthday that was a few hours away. Lucille was sitting on my bed reading a book like always. She was wearing a forest green dress with a cyan sash tied around the waist her hair was straightened and her pastel blue heart locket hung around her neck along with a pair of black sandals. I sighed flicking through my numerous clothes with a slight frown on my lips kind of wishing I asked Evie to make me a dress for this occasion a few weeks ago " Phoenix, what if Carlos misses your party? " Lucille asked out of the blue taking me by surprise. I stayed quiet finally deciding on a light green knee length dress that was made out of silk that my parents had given me 2 birthdays ago with silver heels I took a bubblegum pink sash and tied it around the waist in a neat little bow " he wouldn't miss my party, I mean he remembered my birthday yesterday " I said simply dismissing the conversation, not wanting to think about it knowing that it would cause me to panic on the inside, I quickly got dressed and had Lucille do my hair before putting a necklace my parents had given me around my neck. I didn't let it show, but I was a tad bit worried Carlos would forget " People forget Phoenix, What if he just forgets to come to your party " Lucille said as I just frowned doubt beginning to cloud my mind. I mean first I'm told that the Queen's crown and Maleficent's scepter has been stolen and now Lucille is filling my head with doubt about Carlos forgetting my party.

      Obviously being one of my best friends Lucille sensed that I was starting to grow worried " Phoenix, I'm sure he won't forget I was just asking what if he does " Lucille explained trying to calm my nerves but as you can guess it wasn't working, " Why did you even bring up the subject in the first place " I asked bitterly as my head snapped in her direction " Because Phoenix he seems to be a bit unreliable. I'm afraid you're gonna get your heart broken " Lucille said as I growled wondering why all of a sudden she was against him. I didn't say anything I stayed quiet keeping my emotions pint up something I know I shouldn't do. I stayed like that until I was finished getting ready before walking out of my room " Did I upset you? " Lucille asked as I turned to her " Um ...Let me think yeah you kinda did because A few months ago you were gushing over how cute Carlos and I were together and now you think he's gonna hurt me. " I stated coldly before turning my back towards her a little frustrated that she was being nosey in my relationship. How could she possibly think Carlos would hurt me when he has been nothing but good to me? He treated me the way I should be treated and loves me for me, which is all I could possibly ask for. 

      The tension between Lucille and I at the moment was so thick you could cut it with a knife as we walked to where my parents were not saying another word to one another. Mother and Father looked between the two of us noticing something was up " I'm sorry okay? I shouldn't have said that, I mean obviously your love is practically unbreakable considering it made this far " Lucille said as I just sighed turning back to her " It's fine " I stated simply needing a little time to cool off from earlier events. I straightened my dress looking to my father for approval " You look beautiful just like your mother " he said kissing my forehead as I smiled looking to mother " Happy birthday darling " Mother said with a smile that could light up an entire city. Lucille didn't say anything else obviously still feeling bad about what she had said earlier and I knew she wanted to give me time to cool down. I sighed looking at my phone " Let's go...Jane's waiting on us " I said to Lucille who only nodded following me out of the door " We'll be arriving later " Father said as I nodded closing the door behind me.

       I placed my phone in my purse then Lucille and I began to make our way to the Enchanted Lake where Jane had planned my party. I may not trust Jane entirely since I caught her hitting on Carlos a few times, but she offered to plan my party so I let her hoping it wouldn't come back to bite me. We were never really close friends but I did trust her to some extent especially now since she started flirting with my boyfriend.  I sighed averting eye contact wondering if Carlos was even gonna come to my Birthday party. Maybe Lucille is right what if Carlos completely forgets my birthday and doesn't come to my party. My thoughts were racing around causing my chest to tighten which meant my anxiety was acting up and all that was on my mind at the moment  was  everything that could possibly go wrong " Phoenix, breath...Carlos would never forget your birthday he loves you " I mumbled to myself, but try as I may I couldn't for the life of me stop thinking negative. I pulled out my phone sending a quick text to both Ben and Carlos to remind them of my birthday just to ease my nerves and help me calm myself down. 

      I knew Ben could be forgetful and I didn't want another incident like the last time he forgot. Lucille looked at me pulling me into a hug " Phoenix, he won't forget okay? I shouldn't have said knowing how you worry i'm sorry " Lucille said as I nodded calming myself down just a bit to where I wasn't thinking the worst. After some time I felt a little better than I did a few minutes ago feeling relieved and relaxed which in return caused Lucille to smile at me sensing I had my mind at ease for the time being. A slight smile made its way to my lips as both Lucille and I drew closer to the enchanted lake. 

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