Chapter 1

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Phoenix's P.O.V

      Auradon. It's beautiful isn't it? I'm Phoenix Hood daughter of Robin Hood and Maid Marian. My life so far was considered normal and spontaneous, Well as much as it can be growing up in Auradon where rarely anything happens. That was until Prince Ben, my best friend, decided that four Vks should be given a chance to live in Auradon. Long story short Ben is king now, my other best friend Mal is his girlfriend, and  I'm living happily with my boyfriend Carlos De Vil. We are about to back to the Isle to pick what will hopefully be a long line of new VKs who will get to come to Auradon and find their happily ever afters too. 


       I looked out the window of the limo dreamily as we crossed the bridge to go to the isle. My hair was pulled up in the usually ponytail and I was wearing a green t-shirt along with pair of brown jeans and High tops. I know what you're thinking, Why am I going? Well I'm going because Ben had meetings back to back and felt that someone other than Mal should represent Auradon. I had to try to convince my parents to let me go in the first place since they were still hesitant in letting me especially after the incident that happened last time I went there. I felt Carlos lightly nudge me with worried look on his face " Are you okay? " he asked taking my hand in his as I looked at him my chestnut brown eyes sparkling just as they always did " Yeah, just thinking of..." I started my voice trailing off causing him to cup my cheek caressing it gently. I didn't say that I still wasn't hesitant about stepping foot back on the isle, because part of me of still scared and a little uneasy about going back. Carlos pulled me into his embrace kissing my temple to sooth me and calm my nerves " I guarantee that they're not going to lay finger on you...I won't let them " he whispered as I sighed resting my head on his shoulder feeling at ease. When we got there Mal pressed a button to open the barrier. The Vks waved and smiled at us causing me to smile back waving back before running to the balcony. 

        I watched as Mal,Evie, Jay, and Carlos started singing and dancing with the kids with a small smile on my face. I looked down at the kids who smiled as they looked at me " Who wants to go? You? " Mal shouted into the crowd of Vks who grew  even more enthusiastic than they already were " I can't tell you how long King Ben and I have waited for this day to arrive and we are excited to welcome a new line of Vks into Auradon " I said as Evie smiled at me before continuing " I honestly wish we could take you all with us and some day, very soon, maybe we can.  " Evie announced to the large crowd turning to Mal who began to speak " Yeah, we're gonna be back here so many times, You're going to be so sick of us, " Mal joked as I made my way over to Carlos who intertwined his hand with mine " Can I get a drum roll please? " Evie asked as the kids began stomping their feet to imitate a drum roll " First I'd like to begin with the granddaughter of Lady Tremaine, daughter of Drizella, My sweet sweet friend...My Dizzy " Evie said sweetly extending  an arm towards the young girl who squealed in excitement before making her way up the balcony to Evie. 

      I looked to Carlos, who was next to make his announcement only letting go of my hand long enough to unroll his scroll that had the next villain kid's name on it. I smiled noting that he had a little twinkle in his eye as he prepared to make his announcement " Next, is the son of Smee. Come on, Squeaky" Carlos said motioning to one of the twins giving him a small hug when the child approached him before interlocking our hands again " And no way we're splitting up the twins, so get over here, Squirmy! " Jay said as the other twin ran to him. All the attention was on Mal who began making her announcement after Jay " And last but not least, we have all chosen her, because we all agreed that she could use a little bit of fairy godmothers goodness class, Celia! " Mal said as Celia did a spin before saying " I'm bad! " And then made her way towards us.  Carlos and I turned to head back up the balcony " see I told you there was nothing to worry about " he whispered as I rolled my eyes at him " You can't blame me for being cautious " I said causing him to chuckle.  I sighed squeezing his hand just as we met up with Mal,Evie,and Jay " Okay so we'll be back here next week to pick you up.  " Carlos said his statement being followed but Jay " so pack your stuff.  Your own stuff! " he said causing us all to laugh " Where are we going? " we said causing the kids to scream " we're going to Auradon! " 

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