Chapter 2

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Phoenix's P.O.V 

       I watched as Ben paced back and forth causing me to growl under my breath since he has been doing that for a few minutes now. I stood up straightening my dark brown skirt " Ben, Ben...breathe and listen to me okay. There is nothing to worry about okay trust me so stop pacing and worrying because it's starting to get on my nerves " I said placing my hands on his shoulders just so I knew I had his full attention " Phoenix it's not that easy " he said as I rolled my eyes at him " Ben, You love her..she loves you and I guarantee you she is most likely gonna say yes. Also if you start pacing again I'm seriously gonna slap you " I said and it seemed he got the message since I felt him relax. I sighed before walking to the door " Now I'm gonna go. You sure you won't have a nervous breakdown while i'm gone " I said stepping out of the room " I'm sure" Ben said watching me leave while he went and tended to Mal who was on a look out for Uma. I ran outside meeting up with Carlos, Jay, and Evie. Today was the day we went to pick up the chosen Vks, but before we did Ben had a little surprise planned for Mal. I looked to Evie who gave me a knowing look since we both knew what the little surprise was. I interlocked my hand with Carlos's laying my head on his shoulder " Carlos, I'm glad that other kids get the same opportunity you four have, but I wish we bring all the kids over...they deserve so much more than that " I said as Carlos kissed my temple knowing that I was just like my father in some ways and one of those ways were that I didn't like if things were unfair or unjust " I know, and I do too maybe one day the barrier will be taken down forever " he said as I smiled up at him before pecking his lips then turning my attention to the front 

        The band began playing  as Mal and Ben walked out of the castle filling the courtyard with their music. I stood there anxiously squeezing Carlos's hand " Bippity-Boppity, One,Two, One, Two. Can everybody here me? " Fairy Godmother asked through a golden microphone she was holding instantly getting everyone's attention. The mic was handed to Ben who had a smile on his face " Thank you Fairy Godmother. " He said before taking a short pause turning to everyone " What's up Auradon? Thank you. Thank you so much for coming out to welcome our new arrivals. They'll be here soon. " Ben announced proudly " It worked out pretty well for the first four " Ben continued casting his gaze towards me and Carlos " Yeah especially for you and Phoenix " Chad said obnoxiously causing me to growl " uh Chad you got something on you're face there...yeah it's called jealousy " I said turning to kiss Carlos's cheek, but before my lips touched his cheek he turned his head at the last second causing me to kiss his lips. Ben turned back to Mal causing my breath to get caught in my throat " Mal, this is the exact spot we met not so long ago, I feel like I've known you my whole life, but did I mention that I'm in love with you " Ben said as Carlos and I ran to get a closer look. 

       I silently prayed that she'd say yes, because I definitely didn't know how to console a brokenhearted Ben plus we would have to cancel everything I helped plan. Doug began playing the guitar while I stood next to Carlos with a smile on my face " I met this girl who rocked my world like it's never been rocked, and now I'm living just for her and I won't ever stop. I never thought that it could happen to a guy like me. But now look at what you done, You got me done on my knee. " Ben sang kneeling down causing Mal to gasp while I held my breath " Mal, It's you and me. It's you and me forever. Will you marry me? Will you be my queen? " Ben asked opening the blue box revealing a beautiful diamond ring " NO!! " Audrey shouted causing me to growl which in turn resulted in Carlos kissing my temple to calm me down " yes " Mal answered with tears of joy in her eyes which made Audrey faint.  Carlos went over to Adam chest bumping him causing me to laugh " I am so sorry " he said only for Adam to smile at him " it's okay " Adam said before I dragged Carlos away " Do you think that would be us one day " I asked looking to my promise ring he had gave me a few days after Cotillion  " Maybe it will be Phoenix " he said kissing me passionately.

        Mal headed over to me and Evie " What?  Did you know? " Mal asked as we nodded happily " Everything " Evie and I answered in unison " You honestly think that Ben pulled this all off without any help. Girl you should've heard him when we were planning it ' Phoenix is this okay? are you sure she's going to like Phoenix? " I said mimicking him causing both Mal and Evie to laugh " Thank you " Mal said hugging me still smiling " You're going to rock that we just have to wait for Carlos to ask Phoenix to marry him " Evie said joking causing me to push her playfully rolling my eyes " Oh yeah that's a wedding I'm looking forward to besides my own " Mal said laughing as I crossed my arms at the two " Guys chill Carlos will ask me when he's ready...and besides are wedding would be a few months or years after yours and Ben's " I said matter-of- factly since I wasn't  the one to still the spotlight from people. Evie rolled her eyes at my answer knowing I was right " Okay, so going along with Phoenix's wishes and turning the attention back to you. I've only done about a thousand sketches of you're wedding dress and about five hundred sketches of Phoenix's wedding dresses when Carlos decides to ask her. " Evie started but I cut her off " Moving on...this isn't about me E " I said causing Mal to laugh at my reaction " You're just trying to avoid the fact that he may ask you " Mal said as I shook my  head before Evie turned the attention back to Mal " Anyway Phoenix and Belle have already planned your engagement party which is next week by the way " Evie continued reverting the attention back on Mal which was a relief for me " Well its a really good thing I said yes! " Mal said going over to hug Adam. 

       Mal hugged and thanked Belle and Fairy Godmother. I made my way back to Carlos intertwining my hands with him  " Hey Ben, I told you, there was nothing to worry about " I said as Ben rolled his eyes at me " Yeah yeah, so When is Carlos going to propose to you " he asked as I growled " Stop reverting the attention to me..." I said crossing my arms as Jay pouted " aw Come on Phoenix, we just want you and Carlos to have a happily ever after " he said as I pushed his face away from mine " yeah well I appreciate that but it isn't about us right now " Carlos said sensing I was getting a little annoyed with all the questions about when we were getting engaged " All bow to her Royal Majesty " Jay said reverting his attention back to Mal as Me,Carlos,and Evie bowed " Oh yes her Royal purpleness " Carlos said causing everyone to laugh " Silence you annoying peasants " Mal said waving them off playfully " as you wish my liege " Jay replied in a fake snobbish accent " Your crankiness " Carlos snickered taking my hand in his kissing my cheek " what was that all about? " he asked as I looked at him " Nothing just everyone's wondering when we will get engaged and it's supposed to be about Mal and Ben " I said as Carlos pulled me into his embrace " Well they'll have to keep wondering for the time being " he said with a smile but his eyes showed more but I didn't pay to much attention since I was more concerned about Audrey pulling Mal aside. 

       I turned to Carlos pulling out of his embrace much to his dismay " I'll be right back " I said making my way to Mal and Audrey. I stood a good enough distant to where I could hear most of their conversation " Congratulations, you won him fair and square. Oh wait no you didn't, You spelled Ben to destroy all of Auradon and Phoenix helped  that's a great story to tell the grand kids " Audrey said as I growled to myself " Suck it up Buttercup...anyone with eyes could see he fell for Mal even without a spell...also you keep my name out of your mouth if you can't say what you need to say to my face " I said as Mal turned to her with a smile " Speaking of kids, we have some waiting on us, so if you'll excuse me. " Mal said as we both headed towards the limo leaving Audrey behind with a frown on her face. 

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