Chapter 12

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 No one's P.O.V

      Meanwhile back in Auradon Ben was on the phone and he sounded far from happy as he yelled into his phone " No, no I want the Auradon guard handing out gas mask, well not everyone's  asleep " he said sounding exasperated before hanging up his phone turning to his butler who was standing at the doorway " Find out if anyone's seen Audrey and Find out if she has a list of demands " he stated as the butler then walks out of the room. Ben sighs and unzips his jacket before sitting down rubbing his head " Just one " Audrey said behind him startling him out of his seat and turns out to face Audrey in shock " I demand my life back, I have a proposition, I'll wake everybody up right now under one itty bitty condition Bennyboo, make me your queen and we'll rule side by side " Audrey said rubbing her hand down his shoulder with a slight smile. Ben still looked shocked not really believing what was in front him, but he could only imagine what Phoenix would have to say if she were here " Did someone spell on you? just tell me who and i'll- " Ben started taking a soft gentle approach to this situation but Audrey cut him off before he finished his sentence " You'll what marry them? " Audrey said before laughing turning her back towards Ben walking a little distance away from him " Most people get dumped because they aren't good enough,I wasn't bad enough. How do you like me now Bennyboo? " Audrey continued doing  a little spin in front of Ben who only had frown tugging at his lips " I like the old Audrey better, she wouldn't want to hurt Auradon, Just give me the scepter and I'll forgive you" Ben said always being the kindhearted person he was ready to easily forgive someone at the drop of a pen. 

       Audrey wasn't buying it though, she wasn't done causing trouble yet. She looked at Ben with a slightly smile, but her eyes held a mischievous glint in them " You'll forgive me?  I don't think so, sleeping is to good for you " Audrey said before zapping Ben before turning back to looking out of the window " Sleeping is too good for Auradon " she said making the scepter glow and Fairy Godmother, who was on her way up the stairs, turns into stone. Audrey laughs evilly before disappearing to who knows where? 

Carlos's P.O.V 

          We stood at the entrance to the Isle of the lost my hand was interlocked with Phoenix who was fiddling with her necklace with  her free hand " Alright get in, get out Jay your good? " Mal said Jay pressed the button on the remote opening the barrier. In an Instant Mal broke Audrey's spell " Whoa got a little Hades thing going " Mal said as I looked at her while Phoenix smirked a bit " That thing packs a punch huh? " I asked not noticing that Harry, Gil, and Janis came through the barrier before it closed. Phoenix growled to herself as Janis looked at her with a smirk playing on her lips " Hey, Guys. We're just coming for a wee visit " Harry said trying to get pass but Jay and I were not having that and tried to hold them back " Still ravishing as always my little duckling " Harry said looking directly at Phoenix who growled her nervous demeanor going away in a instant. If there one thing that Phoenix couldn't stand were flirts " Aw...Your really looking to get punched in the face aren't Harry cause I guarantee if you try to flirt with me again I will personally shoot an arrow in your shoulder just try me " Phoenix said venom dripping from her words having an arrow already aimed and ready to shoot. I pushed Harry back from my girlfriend but that resulted in me being pushed also knocking into Mal causing her to drop the ember " No! " Mal shouted suddenly a tentacle came out of the water and then Uma rose up from the water splashing water on us " Drop something? " she asked looking at Mal with a mischievous smile. 

       Phoenix rolled her eyes having enough with everything her protective side coming out. It was clear her mind was on her parents, who were still in Auradon most likely asleep, tears were pricking her eyes, but she fought them back refusing to cry " I'm sorry, not a great way to spend your birthday is it " I whispered as she looked at me hearing the tone I used " Carlos, As long as I'm with you I wouldn't want to spend my birthday any other way. " She said trying to act like she was fine but I wasn't buying it " You're not fine with this and you wouldn't want to spend your birthday like this either " I said getting to the point as she looked at me " Yes, I wouldn't want to spend my birthday trying to save Auradon, but I mean it when I say I would want to spend with you no matter if we're trying to save Auradon or having a movie Marathon " she said before turning her attention back to the scene in front of us. Mal was looking into the water at Uma " it can't wet give it back before it goes out " Mal said as Uma went into the water which cause Phoenix to hold her breath. The water rose up before splashing then went down. Uma was behind us holding the Ember between her fingers " Hi boys " she said catching our attention as Harry, Gil, and Janis head towards her " Welcome back " Harry said laughing like a psychopath for a few seconds " Uma you swam off and forgot all about us " Gil said as Janis placed her hands on her hips frowning slightly " Yeah what gives? " Janis asked before Uma could answer Mal cut her off " Planning her revenge no doubt " Mal said crossing her arms over her chest.  Phoenix interlocked our hands laying her head on my shoulder sensing this was going to take a while. 

Phoenix's P.O.V 

      My gaze was locked on Janis remembering everything she did to me. It may have not been a lot but she did kidnap me and thanks to her I was diagnosed with Anxiety and I was always paranoid. Uma looked at Mal with a slight frown " It's not always about you Mal, I was looking for a hole in the barrier  to let everyone out " she said stopping short of her sentence before turning to the three behind her " and you know what I found? It's way better out there than we thought, There's this thing that looks like a furry rock called a coconut and fish so big you could dance on their backs and they've been keeping all to themselves " Uma said as Janis laughed twirling her blonde hair around her finger " Just like her father Phoenix always keeps everything good to herself " Janis said as I growled my fist clenching " Uh excuse me that's your father after he taxed the poor till they had nothing left....and I mean nothing, Let's hope history don't repeat itself you self-centered brat " I spat having Carlos pull me back causing me to lean into his embrace " Whatever Uma, I need that to break a spell " Mal said holding her hand out for the ember just as she had done when we went to talk to her father about him giving it to us " Cast by Audrey sleeping Beauty's daughter " Carlos said holding me close stroking my hair to keep me calm and from sinking my claws in Janis's skin. 

         Uma seemed amused by the Idea of Audrey being the bad guy " Mm so the good guy's the bad guy? " she asked laughing a bit before turning serious " Well I might not give back. Let's see what happens " she said as I growled to myself knowing we were wasting valuable time and it was already bad enough  that we didn't have much time to wast in the first place. Mal was getting annoyed with all this " Uma, this is no time for games! people's lives are in danger! " Mal shouted as Uma turned to face Mal " Guarantee me that every single Villain kid who wants to can get off the isle " Uma said willing to give us the ember for this simple thing " I can't do that " Mal said as Uma rolled her eyes heading over to the edge holding the Ember above the ocean " How about now!? " she asked as I looked at her with panic filled eyes " Deal deal " Mal said as Evie and I nodded in Understanding " Uma her word is good " Evie said stopping her from dropping the ember " Yeah right okay " Janis said not believing her as I glared at the lion hybrid " It is, trust me " I said as Janis rolled her eyes walking close to me her arms crossed over her chest. She smiled mischievous as I glared at her placing a hand on my hip " and why should I trust you?" she asked as I looked her up and down with fire behind my eyes " Because I'm more trustworthy than you'll ever be, she'll come through I promise and I never break my promises " I said as Janis scoffed before walking away from me " We'll see " she mumbled walking to where she was beside Harry. Uma walked away from the edge putting the Ember in her jacket " I'll still keep this, for the time being, because if you think I trust you to save the world on your own think again  " Uma said before turning to Harry and Gil with a smile " this is a job for pirates " she said as Janis rolled her eyes at the three. 

       Jay walked over to Mal who was reluctant about letting them help and I wasn't even going to lie I would rather do anything else than fight side by side with Janis to save the world " Phoenix, don't worry once this is all over we can go back to hating each other " Carlos whispered in my ear as Jay said the same thing to Mal " Fine " both Mal and I said in unison. Jay then turns to Harry and Gil while I kept my gaze on Janis " Where are our bikes? " Jay asked the two boys while I turned to Janis " Yeah I would like to know the answer to that " I said since mine was specifically an early birthday present from Ben " Oh yeah. we crashed them " Gil said as Harry demonstrated the action causing me to growl " Too bad little miss Hood won't have a bike anymore " Janis said as Harry laughed at Jay's facial impression " You know, you keep on Janis and soon enough there will be claw marks all over your face " I threatened through gritted teeth  as she just smirked before walking away from me with a taunting smile that made me want to slap her " Here's a thought, we could try to be friends. Put our history behind us and celebrate our differences, Yeah? " Evie says as I look at her warily as she pulls out a red bag filled with blueberry gum " Who wants gum? " Evie said as I walked to her with a soft smile " I'll take some gum but I don't think I could ever be friends with Princess Janis. It just seems impossible sorry " I said as Evie handed me a piece of gum before smiling genuine at me knowing it was going to be a little harder for me to make nice with Janis " let's go " Uma said before Mal stopped her in her tracks " Ah...No I'm in Charge, let's go " Mal said as I rolled my eyes before interlocking hands with Carlos and we began to walk over to the other side of the bridge 

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