"You're a little late!" Liam yelled, seeing the seniors enter the scene.

With a wave of Sierra's hand, Lucas was thrown back into a nearby wall.

"How many times do I have to tell you to text me if things go wrong?" she demanded to the sophomore, helping him back on is feet.

"I was a little preoccupied," Liam sassed back, but then smiled gratefully nonetheless. "Thanks for coming."

"Anytime, little bro."

Lucas growled angrily from where he had fallen, sharp stringers growing from both of his arms and down his spine. He barred his teeth and charged towards Sierra, who threw up a force field right before he reached her. This allowed Scott to race over, roughly shoving Lucas away from his best friend.

Scott managed to get a few hits in, but Lucas wasn't going down easily. Soon, Scott grunted from the ground, Lucas having kicked him right in the stomach.

Due to the stingers, Lucas blocked Kira's katana. However, as the two battled Sierra watched his movements carefully. It seemed he had a cycle, one Sierra could break if she timed it right.

Just as he ran towards Kira again, Sierra launched a red, electric tendril straight between his eyes.

Lucas instantly fell to the ground, the energy shocking him. And with a slump of his head, Sierra and everyone else knew he was out cold.

Yet, this didn't stop Kira from charging again. A fiery fox emerged from her soul, protectively surrounding her and igniting a deep orange spark in her eyes.

A war cry in what Sierra could only guess was Japanese escaped Kira's lips and she went to strike Lucas to end his life once and for all

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A war cry in what Sierra could only guess was Japanese escaped Kira's lips and she went to strike Lucas to end his life once and for all.

But Sierra didn't let her.

With one simple move, Sierra held Kira's arm in the air--red tendrils weaving around her body to keep her still. She glared at the spirit, daring it to try again.

Soon, the orange fox faded, leaving a very confused Kira to stare back at her.

Slowly, Sierra let the energy fade.

"Is everyone okay?" Scott asked, his eyes shifting between everyone in the room. No one said anything, too taken aback from the previous events to respond. He turned his focus to Sierra. "We need to get him out of here," he gestured to Lucas. "Liam, give me a hand."

The beta stepped forward, grabbing hold of Lucas's legs while Scott held his arms. They had barely lifted him off the floor, when an arrow appeared out of nowhere.

It flew past them, stabbing Lucas in the stomach and putting a permanent end to his life.

Sierra gasped, the boys dropping Lucas in shock.

A string attached to the arrow drew their attention to the rafters, where three men stood. Just as Malia warned them, they wore World War 1 oxygen masks and leather coats. One held the weapon fired, the others standing eerily still with another holding a cane of some sort.

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