Chapter 7

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Comment, critique, and just go crazy!- Coll and Jenn


Jamie’s POV

I lean back against my bedroom door, sliding down with my knees pressed to my chest and a smile playing on my lips. Niall and I spent the rest of our date at a little cafe, simply talking. It’s weird how much I’ve gotten to know him so personally over the past few days, how many things he’s told me that I never would’ve guessed as just a Directioner. It feels incredibly surreal.

He’s a typical slob of a teenage boy, yet he has a fetish for picking out his own furniture, and is practically OCD about any stains on them. His Mom, Maura, had originally planned to name him Kean, as his great grandfather left that or Niall as a request in his will. I told him about my passion for photography, which not many people know about, and my love of baking. If you couldn’t guess, he made some cheeky remarks about having his own personal cook upon hearing that one. But what’s weighing on my mind the most?  I french kissed Niall Horan. Where all this spontaneousness is suddenly coming from I have no idea... but I like it.

An image from across my room catches my eye, and I can’t help but giggle at myself as I get up to walk over to it. I stare at his achingly familiar face, the one I had taped to my wall earlier this year as I fangirled with Elle while blasting What Makes You Beautiful. My gaze shifts around the poster, taking in the five boys I thought I knew so well, before carefully taking it down. The picture represented strangers I had idolized and loved, but things are different now. And frankly, it’s too strange to me now, having them all on my bedroom wall. I think I’m kind of falling for Niall, yet if I am it’s the real Niall, not the one printed onto a sheet of paper and plastered across millions of girls’ walls.

I think of how his hair glistens in the sun up close, how his accent sounds as he whispers into my ear, how his lips feel against mine... Scratch that. I know I’m falling for Niall. I’m falling hard.    

I smile, only to have it slide off my face as my gaze shifts to my enormous bulletin board tacked with pictures. Because naturally, the first one that catches my eye is the only one with Sam in it. It was taken this past spring break, when our two families went on a trip to Florida and Disney World together. I groan inwardly before belly flopping onto my bed. Sam. I can’t think about him without exploding with emotions, much less sort out my feelings for him with Niall in the mix. What to do... I grab my phone, unlocking it to call my best friend. She answers halfway through the second ring.

“Hey girl how’d it go? I’ve been dying here, honestly it’s been killing me not knowing what went on. You guys are so cute oh my gosh. I can’t even,” she chats quickly before squealing into the phone. I can picture her jumping over and down like a five year old about to get her desert, and I giggle, giving her the chance to continue without letting me speak. “Alright, I want every single detail. Where’d he take you? What car was he driving? What’d he wear? Oh my gosh, what’d you wear? We didn’t even go over your outfit plans before the date! Oh jeez, this is my life. You go off with an internationally famous boyband star, and I sit at home watching TV, eating, and fangirling over you two. Ugh. I don’t even care I’m so excited, AH!”

“Shut up Elle!” I laugh before she can keep talking. “Would you like to actually hear about the date, or talk to me about your lame life while shooting me a million questions a minute? Also, may I just say, that you have a fabulous life,” I say.

“Psh as if.”

“You know you have obviously have a great life, I mean, I’m in it,” I reply, grinning.

“I’ve just mentally smacked you through the phone.”

“That was lovely, thank you.”

“Would you just spill!” Elle exclaims.

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