Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Niall’s POV

“This car is awesome! I can’t wait to go sight seeing in this thing!” Harry exclaims as we jump into a red Mustang convertible. “Too bad Liam and Louis aren’t coming out till later; they would appreciate the ride too. I guess thats the price of their relationships,” Zayn comments about the other lads, who had hung back to Skype with Eleanor and Danielle.  He revs the engine and pulls out of the rental place, heading toward the city. As we waited at the light, the little black car next to us rolls down its window.

“Sweet car!” A guy, seemingly close to our age, shouts.

“Thanks!” I yell back. “It’s a only rental though.”

“Well that sucks, using it to get girls while you can, huh?” The dude says, grinning.

“Good idea!” I laugh. The girl next to him, who had suddenly leaned forward, catches my eye. She seems really familiar... Oh no, that’s not- She immediately breaks eye contact, speaking quietly to the guy; smiling at him as he realized the light was green.

“Whoops, gotta go, nice talking to you dude!” The boy says, pulling the car forward.

“Jamie?” I call out all the sudden. The car pulls away while we turn left. Zayn and Harry, who had been laughing during the conversation with Jamie’s ‘companion’, fall silent.

“Was that?” Harry ventures. I give a small nod. “She’s really pretty.”

“But remember, its probably not worth the trouble...” Zayn grumbles.

“It doesn’t hurt to text her though, does it? We can be friends and not go out together in public or anything,” I say, realizing I sounded desperate too late. Oh, whatever.

I really liked Jamie. I still do. And I can’t help but wonder what she was doing out with that guy. I went out with her first... Or did I? What if that guy is her boyfriend? All Jamie and I did was eat lunch together at Nando’s; it wasn’t a date or anything.  Maybe she’s been dating him the entire time that I’ve been thinking of her. For some reason, the thought of her dating anyone sickened me. I know the I have feelings for her is the reason, but I’m just not quite sure whether its a brotherly protection or a romantic jealousy. I don’t like that guy.

To: Jamie Taylor

well, that was random. how ru? :)

I had to text her, I need to know what’s going on. If she’s dating him, that might help me forget about this weird situation.  Not that I want her to date him. He’s probably some serial kidnapper and is planning on killing her. If thats the case, everyone loses.  Hopefully I’m just overreacting.

From: Jamie Taylor

ya.. im ok, u? havent talked in a bit....

To: Jamie Taylor

im alright. sry bout tht. going sightseeing today. do u know any good places to eat (other than nandos), we dont really know the area and im already hungry...

From: Jamie Taylor

Um ya theres a buffet place that we always go to on 5th st. its really good

To: Jamie Taylor

cool, do u and ur friends wanna meet us there at like 12:30? we cud prob use help to know wats good... ill pay

Was that an awkward thing to say? I just want to see her, and that seemed like a normal get-together. What if she says no? What if I never see her again? I sigh, leaning my head against the car window. Coming to America, I never imagined I’d ever be in this situation. All over some 14-year-old girl... But age is just a number. And someone who can get into my head and make me feel a hundred different feelings at once is so much more than just a girl.

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