You: Don't think so.

Clem: Then tell me about another one of your scars.

You: Umm... I have one on both sides of my left shoulder. Took an arrow through it. The guy was kind of jerk.

Clem: Fine you win.

You: Yes! On second thought. I don't think that's winning.

Clem: You have stories to tell.

You: Awful ones about death and destruction.

Clem: People like those kinds of stories.

You: I don't.

Clem: Well, if it helps you've kind of helped me forget about everything.

You: I'm here to help. Tell me if you need any other stories. I have scars for days.

Clem: My stories might not all be amazing like you want them to be, but I have some with cool stories.

You: You'll have to tell them, but I need to start looking around. We need to be out of here by the end of the day.

Clem: Good luck. Watch the stairs on your way out.

You: Alright.

You say in an annoyed tone. She laughs at you.

You move the bookcase, that was blocking the door, out of your way and shut the door behind you.


You walk into another house and search every room and floor looking for anything useful, but the place has already been picked dry.

You: Come on!

Your stomach growls because youre going onto your third day without food. Your body definitely feels it, but you're used to it and push through. You walk out of the home and onto the next one. As you're crossing the road something in front of the house catches your eye.

You approach the house and see a small circle of ashes and burnt logs. You reach down and hover your hand over it. The warmth tickles your hand.

You: Fresh. They've been here.

You quickly look through the rest of the houses and look for anything else that might help you find where they went, but you can't find anything.

You: No food, or water today. That's awful.

You walk back to the house you left Clem in and avoid any Walkers you see, trying to conserve as much energy as possible.

As you near the house you see the front door open.

You: Did I leave that open? Shit, my bad.

You walk up to it and into the house, making sure you shut the door behind you.

You: Clem! I think I might have found something!

She doesn't respond.

You: Must be asleep.

You walk up the stairs and peak through the door.

You: Clem?

You look at the bed and don't see her.

You: Clem?

You say in a scared and worried tone. You quickly move into the room and check the side of the bed to make sure she didn't fall of the side of it. She's not there, but her hat lays upside down on the ground.

You pick it up and turn it in your hand.

You: No Shit!

You hear footsteps behind you, and you shoot up to meet them. As soon as you turn around, you're met with a hard blow to the head with the butt of a rifle.

Unknown: This guys a tough son of a bitch.

You stumble around as your senses are knocked for a loop. You grab anything you can, trying to stabilize yourself.

Unknown: What's the matter? Hurt or somethin?

He hits you again and you can't keep yourself conscious. You fall to the ground as everything around you goes black.


Grant: Get up!

You: What the hell?

You open your eyes to see Grant standing in front of you covered in blood.

Grant: Come on. You can't let these chumps get you down.

You: I've gone crazy.

Grant: Definitely.

You: You know what happened?

Grant: You got knocked out. How would I know anymore?

You: I don't know.

Eri: Y/N.

You turn to see you little sister covered in blood as well. She's skinny from starving just like you remember. You feel like you should be crying, but you can't.

Eri: You know she's going to need you, right?

She talks too well for a five-year-old. Probably because you created her in your head.

Eri: Exactly.

You: Great. You hear my thoughts.

Eri: Well, we are in your thoughts.

You: Doesn't matter.

Eri: You need to wake up. Clementine needs you.

You: I don't know what's going on.

Eri: Guess we'll have to find out.

Grant: Sounds like fun!

You: It really doesn't.

Grant: Come on. We get to kill some people!

You: That is the really far from fun.

Grant: Just get up.


You wake up to find you jacket and shirt ripped off you, revealing your extensive number of scars. Your wrists are wrapped with chains attached to the ceiling and buckets sit above you tipped like they're about to pour something down on you.

Your head is killing you as you scan the room for anything that will help you escape.

Unknown: Y/N! It's been awhile.

You look to the door to see someone walking into the room. They look familiar, but you can't recall.

You: Who are you?

Unknown: Someone you've made very angry.

TWD: Dynamic (Clementine X Male Reader Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now