Chapter 1

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"Salvation lies in the strangest of places,

and finds us at the strangest of times.

Bravery is knowing that it is okay to hurt

when we accept the salvation placed before us,

it is okay to be afraid and it is okay to tremble.

Do not fear the fall

when it is the leaping

that will set you free."

~ Tyler Knott Gregson ~


The air is cold damp and icy against her skin. It whips through the open window and Salem is tempted to close her eyes and let the coming storm wash over her. To let the humidity mess up her curls, and the wind kiss her eyelids...and maybe dry the tears away.

          Just a little bit more.

It is still early enough in the morning that the sky is more black than it is blue, but despite the darkness, Salem doesn't slow down. She knows the drive-by heart. And although the shattered parts of her heart are barely holding together right now, the battered organ knows the way to its safe place - it doesn't get lost as easily as it used to.

As she nears her destination, she finds her foot resting heavier on the gas pedal, encouraging the car to go faster over the hills and valleys of the unpaved road. The anticipation is building inside of her, threatening to burst from every pore of her body, and Salem knows if she were to let go of the steering wheel, her hands would be shaking.

Finally, she can see the familiar little spot, on the side of the road, where she usually parks Betty, her old navy-blue Chevy. It only takes her a few seconds to park, unbuckle, and slam the door of the rusty beast that has seen better days. She doesn't even slow down as she heads to the trees, just winces at the groaning noise, and sends a silent prayer that she will be able to open the door again and not have to wiggle her way through the window. Salem pulls the hood of her parka above her head, hiding her features and hunches down. Muttering to herself about Seattle's unusually heavy snowfall, she strides across the little path, her movements feeling jerky and awkward.

Eventually, the foliage around her begins to thin and taper, giving way to a small clearing that abruptly ends at a cliff's edge. The sound of the waves is still barely discernible, but the salty scent of the water is unmistakable and an immediate balm to Salem's senses.

          Thank God.

A groan of relief escapes her mouth when she gracefully sits, letting her legs dangle off the edge of the small cliff. Well, as gracefully as her aching and stiff limbs manage to be after a long and exhausting night working the ER' graveyard shift as a nurse. Rolling her neck and making it crack, she takes a deep cleansing breath, trying to ignore the fact that her pants are getting drenched by the pile of snow she just sat on.

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