Chapter 126 (Arc 10)

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Sentinel & Guide (III)

Yonis watched the surveillance video for a long time. The figure in it only flashed for more than ten seconds in the process of getting on the car, jumping off and running away. He was wearing a hooded sportswear so he couldn't see his appearance at all. He could only guess that the man was about 178 centimeters tall and shouldn't be too old. Otherwise, he wouldn't have such agility and reflex.

Suddenly, an officer knocked on the door and entered. After saluting, he began to report the investigation results of the mall hijacking to Yonis.

"We found a total of fifty high explosive bombs in the mall which couldn't be dismantled in a day or two, so we focused on the internal staff and finally locked onto three people."

The virtual screen in front of Yonis instantly displayed three people's images and information. One of them used a temporary identity card while the other two had fake ones.

Yonis' eyes lingered for a moment on the image of a red-haired man before rejecting it with all his heart. At that time, the guide who he caught a glimpse of at the mall was also a red-head but he didn't believe that his guide would be this gloomy man in front of him.

He subconsciously glanced at his name, "Seir." But since it was a fake identity, the name was of little investigative value.

"After the hijacking, all three men disappeared. The head of state issued a Class A wanted notice. I believe there will be some good news soon."

Yonis mused, "Those terrorists had blocked the shopping mall for three or four hours and had already achieved their purpose of delaying and creating panic. Why didn't they detonate the bomb?"

"Maybe it's because we got there at the right time?"

Yonis glanced at him, "Planning a terrorist attack like this that shocked the world failed because it was timed poorly?"

He looked at the three people on the screen again, "If the inside man is one of them, then that person had a detonator hidden with him at the time. But the question is, why didn't he detonate?"

The officer's face changed slightly, "If so, then..."

After the terrorists were under control, many people relaxed their vigilance. If the bombs had detonated during that moment, the number of casualties would definitely have doubled.

As he thought of it, the officer felt his back chill and was scared for a while. This kind of suicide terrorist attack was the most troubling because there was no way to predict it in advance and stop it in time. This incident had indeed been resolved too easily. If the terrorists had not resorted to any tactics, they should have had detonated the bomb an hour or two earlier.

Just then, the captain of the guard in charge of investigating the sniper incident last night came to report on its progress.

The officer was about to retire but was stopped by the guard, "Lieutenant Ive, I think you should stay."

The officer gave him a strange look but stood aside in silence after receiving a sign from Yonis.

"According to the evidence found at the scene, we tentatively identified that the person who attacked the mysterious passenger belonged to the group of terrorists that hijacked the shopping mall the other day." The first sentence of the captain surprised the two of them.

He continued, "The type of weapon they used is very similar to the composition of the ammunition used by the terrorists. Moreover, their method is brutal and swift, leaving very little clues for tracking and investigating."

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