Chapter 108 (Arc 9)

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Becoming Your God (XI)

Shang Ke's mask fit well on his face, but it was not fused to his face; it should still be possible to remove it. It's just he couldn't figure out how to remove it, or perhaps his level wasn't high enough.

Shang Ke looked at his bare body and tried to transform himself some clothing. Stars encircled his body before finally winding around his waist and transforming into a bright and beautiful... beast hide skirt.

The makeup of the statue determines the original form of the god. So while Shang Ke solidified into a corporeal form, his mask, hammer, and hide skirt remained with the body as fixed equipment even when attached with energy. The animal hide skirt the Evil God wore was derived from an ancient beast's hide, black base with a golden outline, immune to fire and water, it was a symbol of strength and authority.

However, even if it was praised to the heights, there was no changing the fact that it was just an animal hide skirt.

Shang Ke's animal hide skirt seemed to sense its owner's contempt and dissatisfaction, floating around a few times before quietly disappearing, leaving Shang Ke as naked as an ostrich.

Just as Shang Ke was concentrating on clothing his new body, a figure appeared silently not far behind him.

The War God sensed movement of Shang Ke's divine power, and knew that he'd recovered. He left the capital in a blink, who knew that he would see such a deity when he arrived.

Spirit gods only had divine power, not physical power, unless they acquired enough emotions and desires to become a corporeal god. However, that's not to say that a corporeal god was much stronger than a spirit god, at least not in Shang Ke's case.

The War God didn't know how he was able to become a corporeal god, but seeing him in the flesh aroused a wonderful feeling.

In the middle of the turquoise lake, Shang Ke faced the direction of the setting sun, standing in the air with bronze skin that flashed a golden luster in the sunset. He had a perfectly proportioned body, and even lines of muscle. He was full of strength and vitality, but also with an indescribable sexiness that made it hard for people to look away.

The colors in the War God's eyes became rich, and the powerful god unconsciously released his power like a cage, trapping Shang Ke.

Shang Ke who felt his body suddenly unable to move turned his head to look; but before he could see clearly, the figure beside the lake appeared beside him.

"Saya?" Shang Ke looked at the man in front of him. At his current height, he was still shorter than Saya by half a head, and was also not as tall and sturdy as him.

Shang Ke asked baffled, "Saya, I haven't seen you in a few days, did you get fat?"

Saya: "..."

Shang Ke gestured at his head, "I was only a bit shorter than you before, so why is the difference so big now?" (﹁\"﹁) "You didn't make your body bigger on purpose to exceed me did you?"

Saya said nothing, merely letting his eyes sweep down his body before raising an eyebrow. Shang Ke didn't know what that meant, but he still felt unhappy about it.

He waved his finger and once again called his animal hide skirt back, blocking the view from a certain someone who staring too much.

The leather skirt drifted lazily at his waist, giving people the urge to pull it off.

Saya's line of sight lingered on the skirt for a long time, then it went around the areas of his thighs, his chest, collarbone, adam's apple, and finally his mask.

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