Chapter 62 (Arc 6)

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Shang Ke woke up on Rhine's bed and he laid there in a daze. He finally turned around to look when the sound of the bathroom door from behind him opened, only to find Rhine leaving from it with only a towel wrapped around his waist. His entire body was full of rugged and robust muscles, filled with power that was ready to be used at any moment.

"You're awake?" Rhine made his way by the bed and asked, "Are you hungry? Do you want to eat anything? I will go have someone prepare it."

Shang Ke did not reply to any of his questions, he merely stared at him, his gaze roaming his body back and forth as he tried to find something.

"What's wrong?" Rhine asked in confusion seeing his strange state.

There wasn't a mole, this man didn't have a single mole anywhere on his body! This was simply not scientific! How can a person not have a single mole on their entire body?!

Shang Ke's instinct told him Rhine was the man he was trying to find, especially last night, that feeling of his was even stronger than usual. Otherwise, he wouldn't have gotten drunk before and went to bed with the wrong person, indulging in a passionate activity in bed. However, his body just doesn't have that sign. After five worlds of his man having that one sign, could this really be the exception?

Shang Ke was unwilling to give up, he pulled over Rhine's right hand and carefully looked over it.

Rhine allowed Shang Ke to grab his hand as his own eyes started to wander over his body.

After he carefully looked over the right hand, Shang Ke actually did find something unusual. In the hollow of his palm, there is a veined pattern that was lighter compared to the others. He had thought it was one of the lines of his palm, but now it looks like it was left behind by a wound a long time ago.

"You got injured here before?" Shang Ke raised his head, his eyes full of anticipation for the answer.

Rhine moved his gaze to his right hand and replied, "When I was young and learning how to assemble and install machines, I scratched myself there."

Shang Ke took a deep breath in his heart, then pointed at the hollow of his palm as he asked in the calmest manner possible, "Before you got injured, was there a mole here?"

Rhine nodded, "Hm, after it was treated, that mole also disappeared."

Disappeared, disappeared, di-sa-ppe-ared! Do you know how important that mole is? Your entire appeal drops a large chunk without that mole alright? Without that mole, with your aura of supremacy, arrogance and forceful scum aura, who would like you!

These two years, he had conflicted with himself, worried, angered, confused and hated himself, all because you bastard cleared away that valuable mole!

The eyes Shang Ke used to look at Rhine became incomparably sharp and his nails stabbed into his palm. If it weren't for Rhine having thick skin, blood would already be flowing.

Rhine had thought that Shang Ke was angry over bedding him last night, so he spoke very confidently, "Filmore, get used to my embrace quickly. Besides me, you will never have a second person to sleep with you."

"......" Although Shang Ke determined his identity, he still really wanted to give this guy a beating. Just thinking about how he had been forced before, Shang Ke felt that he should not let him off so easily.

He shook off Rhine's hand and turned around to pick up his scattered clothing. What he found of his clothes were either torn or smeared with suspicious stains; they could not be worn again.

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