Chapter 111 (Arc 9)

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Becoming Your God (XIV)

The Death's rank and experience couldn't be compared to that of an average god. More importantly, he was one of the few gods who can gain divine power without the worship of mortals; his power comes primarily from the death of living things. Even the War God, as strong as he is, isn't able to deal with him.

Shang Ke says he doesn't need the support of this Great God. When the original Evil God was mobbed by the Light forces, the Death didn't appear in support. However, now that the Evil God and a God of Light are in love, he appears in reverence of the light.

News of the Death God's arrival soon shocked the other gods. In order to prevent Shang Ke from seeking shelter within the darkness, Saya imposed a restriction on the city. But he was only able to guard against the dark and not those of the light. Several gods, such as Fire, Water and Earth, were all enemies of the Evil God and demanded the War God to seal or expel him from the territory of light.

When the other gods saw this situation, they were somewhat confused. He was just an unknown god of the dark side. How could he draw out so many gods? Although light and darkness were at odds with each other, as long as it was allowed, the two sides could still work together without breaking the rules.

Although Shang Ke was a dark attribute god, he had always been rule-abiding, treated people well, and was even more innocent and kind than most light gods. However, such a harmless "minor god" not only had the backing of the War God, the Death God vying for him, but he's also made enemies with thousand year old major gods.

After many exchanges, Shang Ke's identity was finally made public. Upon realizing who he was, many of the minor gods who had tried to make trouble for him before were in cold sweat. He was actually the Evil God, Unos who had dyed the continent in blood more than a thousand years ago? He looked so harmless, so silly, so cute! He was also good at all kinds of life skills and most of the popular products in Cannes City came from his believers.

Without mentioning his identity, other gods would have almost regarded him as a cute homely sprite. However, his real attributes were not only unlovable, but also particularly bloody. Didn't this Lord Evil God disguise himself too well? Not only did he enter the territory of light in such a magnificent way, but he was also blessed by the War God. If these people were right, the Evil God was sealed by the War God a thousand years ago. In principle, they should be lifelong enemies. Why do they get along so well? Is it possible that the bed skills of the Evil God had also broken through the sky and conquered the War God like that?!

The things between the major gods, in fact, had little to do with the minor gods. As long as they had humans worshiping them, they could live indefinitely. At worst, their strengths could only be damaged. Nevertheless, the position of the light gods were very clear. They drew a clear line between themselves and the Evil God, resolutely not engaging with him.

At the same time, the people who believed in the Evil God, like the Shu Clan, had been ostracized. They were shocked and in disbelief that the god they believed in was in fact the cruel Evil God in the legends. Many people's faiths began to waver, but some of them with dark intentions instantly turned to the Evil God. These were the kind of believers who could really bring power to Shang Ke. The evil thoughts and desires in their hearts were the nourishments that the Evil God needed.

In a few months, not only did Shang Ke's strength not decline, it had surpassed the accumulation of the past few years. Gradually, the proper aura of an Evil God started to show up on his body.

At the same time, the bloodshed in the city was increasing. Even if Shang Ke had done absolutely nothing, the power of the Evil God would stimulate and arouse the hostility of ordinary people. Shang Ke was beginning to understand why the original Evil God continued to kill and destroy after his rebirth. It was not because he did not want to change, but because his natural attributes left him with no choice.

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