Chapter 86 (Arc 8)

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Covenantor (IX)

After the birthday party, all the major newspapers published feature articles on the banquet, publicizing to the world Shang Ke's identity and his relationship with Lu Xiufan. The news that Yue Family's eldest son was "living together" with His Excellency (Lu Xiufan) spread even faster. The public was quite supportive of this pair of lovers, it was widely thought that the declining Yue Family's would be able to make a rapid comeback.

Lu Xiufan ignored the gossip, focusing instead on investigating the poisoning incident. At the banquet, he'd personally poured his own wine so there were few people who came in contact with the wine, making the scope of the investigation fairly manageable. Also, since every inch of the palace was under surveillance, even if there was an insider, there was no way the insider could have done anything without getting caught. This was the reason why Lu Xiufan would rarely suffer an assassination attempt in the palace.

The fact that someone would dare mastermind a plot at the palace was an indication that Lu Xiufan was getting closer to the truth in one of his investigations, and becoming a bigger threat to them.

Knock knock. Lu Xiufan's thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in." Lu Xiufan's continued to read the classified document in his hands. It wasn't until he smelled the scent of medicine that he lifted his head, and upon seeing the person who entered, the frost in his eyes melted.

"It's time to take your medicine." Shang Ke placed a bowl of medicine in front of Lu Xiufan.

Lu Xiufan looked down at the piping hot bowl of liquid, his brows furrowed in disgust. He finally forced down the contents in one gulp under Shang Ke's attentive gaze.

"Little Ze, how many more times will I have to take this medicine?" He asked helplessly.

"Today is the last time." Immediately upon saying this, Shang Ke saw Lu Xiufan's brow smoothen, and his expression showed a renewed sense of high spirit.

Shang Ke secretly chuckled as he handed over some pudding and chocolate to help relieve the bitter taste.

Lu Xiufan said, "Compared to these desserts, I think your kiss is much sweeter."

Shang Ke bent down and gave his lips a kiss.

Not expecting to actually get a kiss, Lu Xiufan was dumbfounded for a second. But upon seeing Shang Ke, a flash of tenderness entered his eyes. Likely only this person would never fear him, abhor him or try to leave him.

Lu Xiufan held Shang Ke in his arms as he said tenderly, "Little Ze, I hope that someday it won't be just because of a contract that you want to be with me, to obey me.

Shang Ke was too outstanding, if it wasn't for the fact that he was a covenantor, there's no way Lu Xiufan would be able to possess him. Except a covenantor's life expectancy was short, in less than 10 years, Lu Xiufan will probably have to face the pain of losing him.

Lu Xiufan's eyes flashed with determination, there's no way he would allow that to happen!

"Little Ze, I'm going to be leaving on trip tomorrow and it'll probably be seven or eight days before I can return. You can just wait for me at home."

"Alright," Shang Ke nodded, knowing that the trip was probably to track down the source of the leak. While he really wanted to go as well, suddenly suggesting it would be too abrupt. It was better to just stay in the mansion and keep an eye on the situation for now.

Before he left, Lu Xiufan received a compact and sharp scalpel from Shang Ke. His thinking was that Lu Xiufan might encounter another attack at any moment, and if he shot all the bullets he had on hand, and didn't have any other weapons on him, the situation could become quite desperate. So Shang Ke gifted him a scalpel, to prevent against such an eventuality.

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