Chapter 9

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I open my eyes to my ears ringing. I sluggishly got up and looked around the room. Mei, Kiana, and Bronya were all knocked out cold. 

"My head hurts like hell..." I mutter holding my head 

Well what did you expect?

"What the-Whose there? Show yourself!"

There's no need. In time you will know who I am. 

"I said show yourself!" I ordered looking around the room 

A dark chuckle was the only response that I got. I tried to ignore the now tense atmosphere as I made sure none of the girls were hurt.

"Y/N? Are you there? Y/N come in." I hear Himiko's voice from my ear piece

"I'm here Himiko." I groan rubbing my forehead since my headache got stronger

"Thank god. None of you were responding. What happened?" 

"Well we made it to the bridge where a lot of honkai energy was coming from. There was no one inside but there was this cube in the middle of the room that radiated with energy. As Mei, Bronya, and I were discussing about what to do Kiana went up and touched it. I remember getting blinded by a white light, and then nothing."

"Are you the only one conscious?"

"Yeah. I'll try to wake up one of the others but if I don't I'll carry them back to the landing zone where you can beam us up."

"Alright. I'll be waiting to beam up. Be careful."

I nod and cut off the transmission. I walk over to Bronya where her golem thing was standing over her protectively.

"You know you could've tried and wake the rest of us up." I glare at him 

He of course didn't respond and looked down at Bronya. I roll my eyes at him and kneel down next to Bronya. I softly place my hands on her shoulders, shaking her to wake her up. The golem thing growls at me but stops when he notices Bronya waking up. A few seconds later her grey orbs stared up at mine.

"Hey." I smile softly helping her sit up

"W-What happened?"

"Well after Kiana touched the cube we were all knocked out. Um can you help me take the girls to our landing spot? Himeko is waiting to beam us back to the ship."

"Bronya will help."

The golem leaned down and picked her up with one of his hands before grabbing Mei with the other. I carefully pick up Kiana, her head moving to lay against my chest. I stare at her face for a second, taking in how beautiful she was. Wait what am I doing?! I'm dating Wendy for Christ sake! I groan and shake my head making my way to the door. Bronya follows closely, and luckily we didn't have any encounters with zombies or honkai beasts on our way to our landing zone. 

"Himeko we're here." I say to our earpiece looking up at her ship that loomed over us

"Alright prepare for extraction."

Within seconds a white beam surrounded me and Bronya, teleporting us onto the ship. We appeared in the landing docks much to my surprise.

"Let's get these two to the med bay."

Bronya nods walking off towards the med bay. I look down at Kiana who nuzzles into my chest. 

"I hope whatever was in that cube didn't decide to stay in you." I sigh following after Bronya

Himeko, Theresa, and Bronya were already conversating on what had happened by the time I reached the med bay. I carefully set Kiana on one of the nearby beds, and immediately the nurses began to tend to her. 

"Y/N are you sure you're okay?" Theresa asks placing her small hand on my shoulder 

"Yeah I'm fine." I sigh turning around to face her

"Bronya deems that as a lie." Bronya states as her golem turns around

"I don't mean to change the subject but what is your golem's name Bronya?" I ask causing him to look at me curiously 

"Project Bunny." She says in her monotone voice placing her small hand on his face

"Bunny it is." I joke causing him to growl at me

"Y/N Bronya's pretty much given us the details about what happened before Kiana touched the cube. Is there anything that happened after you woke up?"

"There was something that was out of the ordinary."

"And that was?"

"Well when I woke up this female voice-" 

I got interrupted by this surging headache that appeared out of nowhere. I held my head in pain as my knees buckled underneath me. 

"Y/N!" Himeko rushed to me catch me before I fell to the ground 

She caught me just in time, holding me up by my armpits. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Kiana move towards me, but she was still unconscious. My headache seem to ease down when my gaze was on Kiana, but when I looked away it came back with a vengeance. 

"Bronya help me get her to a bed." Himeko ordered

Bronya quickly nodded grabbing my legs and helping Himeko drag me to a bed. They carefully place me on a bed next to Mei, covering me up with blankets. 

"Give her some pain meds. I want a full body scan in case her honkai energy has gone up." Theresa demands as a nurse nodded, running out of the room. 

"It's not my honkai energy." I groan trying to sit up

"You don't fully know that Y/N. We need to make sure." Himeko states pushing me back down 

Suddenly the med bay doors slam open revealing Wendy. Her eyes landed on me, and her eyes filled with worry.

"Are you alright?!" She ran over to me grasping one of my hands in hers

"Yeah. I just got a little headache." I lie looking over at Kiana

Wendy follows my gaze and when her eyes land on Kiana a growl escapes her lips. I saw her eyes flash to a bright teal, signaling that she might go full herrscher. I quickly grab her face making her face me. 

"Hey calm down." I whisper placing a kiss on her knuckles

"I can't. There's honkai energy just radiating from her." She sneers, her hand tightening it's hold on mine

Himeko placed her hand on Wendy's shoulder, stepping in front of her.

"I think you should take a walk. I'll bring Y/N to you once she's feeling better."

"Why should I trust you? I can sense herrscher energy from you too."

"Well unlike you I can control myself." Himeko growls glaring at her

Honkai Impact Harem x Fem!Reader (DISCONTINUED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon