Chapter 1

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Hey guys! Published this chapter a little early! Also some of this maybe wrong since my phone ran out of storage for Honkai Impact! So sorry if there are any errors!


Your POV

I held Wendy's hand tightly as I wheeled her around the ruins. I made sure my swords were out and ready in case any honkai beasts try to attack us. It probably won't happen though since I seem to have a good connection to them. I know it sounds weird but it's true. The honkai beasts never attack me. It's strange. 

"Thanks for taking me out." Wendy smiled at me

"No problem." I leaned down and kissed her cheek

She blushed and rubbed her cheek where I kissed it. I should probably mention that were dating. 

"Is there anything else you-" I was stopped short by footsteps

I could tell there was at least two people coming towards us.

"Wendy we need to hide."


"Yes. Come on." I grabbed her wheel chair and started to wheel her away when I heard the footsteps stop

"Who are you two?"

I stood in front of Wendy protectively as I held up one of my swords. One girl had long white hair that was split into two braids, and bright blue eyes. Her weapon of choice seemed to be two pistols. The other girl had black hair and light purple eyes. She held what seemed to be a sword. The third and final girl had gray hair that was into two pig tails. Although she didn't have a weapon. I'm pretty sure the golem behind her has her covered though.

"It is none of your business." I spoke and the white haired girl looked a little taken back

"All we want to do is help." The blacked hair girl responded

I was about to say something when Wendy grabbed my hand. I looked back at her and with a small smile she nodded. With some effort she wheeled herself forward gaining the attention of the three girls.

"You'll have to excuse her. She's very protective over me. I'm Wendy, and this is Y/N."

"It's nice to meet you both. I'm Mei, this is Kiana. and this is Bronya." 

"Nice to meet you."

"Excuse Bronya if this is rude but can you not walk?"

Wendy looked down in sadness as her grip on my hand tightened.

"Hey don't think about that Wendy." I kneeled down to her height and gently grabbed her other hand 

"N-No it's fine." Wendy sniffled, "What you see is correct. I can't walk."

"Come with us. Bronya and others will help you walk."

I looked at the gray haired girl with suspicion. 

"Really!?" Wendy looked at Bronya with hope 

"Wendy I don't think we should trust them. We just met them a few seconds ago.."

"We know she's the fourth herrscher." Mei muttered

My eyes widened as I readied my swords. 

"We don't want to hurt you. Just come with us peacefully. We can try and extract the energy while also helping her to walk again." Mei spoke up again as Kiana readied her pistols

Wendy and I shared a look, but there was no way that I'm going to let them get to Wendy.

"Y/N please." Wendy whispered, "It'll be okay."

"How!? Who knows what else they could do to you!"

"I know Y/N but I could walk again! It would make me so happy!" Tears gathered in her eyes and I could feel my anger dissolving

After a few more seconds of intense, eye watering, eye contact I finally gave in. 

"Alright. If it will make you happy." I smiled placing a kiss on her forehead 

Wendy hugged me tightly and I laughed returning the hug. Once we separated I turned back to the three girls.

"We'll go with you but I swear if you do anything that hurts her I'll kill you."

Mei nodded and began to lead the way. I followed behind her pushing Wendy in her wheel chair

As we got closer and closer to the girls' destination I couldn't help but feel uneasy. My eyes scanned from right to left, making sure there was no danger. After a few more minutes of walking the feeling was proved right. All of a sudden these robots surrounded us. I moved in front of Wendy as they moved in closer. All of the sudden a voice spoke from above,

"Bronya my daughter seize the fourth herrscher."

I looked over at Bronya to see that she had changed. 

Bronya's golem friend fired something at me but I deflected it

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Bronya's golem friend fired something at me but I deflected it. It hit one of the robots, causing it to explode into pieces. Out of the corner of my eye I saw one of the bots trying to grab Wendy. Within a flash I had cut it's arm off, and not even a second later it was dead. The robots began to swarm around us, and I did my best to protect Wendy. Mei and Kiana seem to be holding their own pretty well so at least I didn't have to worry about them. Everything seemed to going our way until I was blasted in the side.

"Y/N!" I heard Wendy scream

I grit my teeth in pain as I collided with a nearby building. A couple of the robots began to walk towards me. I struggled to stand up. Suddenly I started to feel my heart beat increase. I could feel some type of energy growing stronger, and stronger with every beat of my heart. 

"STAY AWAY FROM HER!!" I heard Wendy scream

Within seconds all the robots around me had been cut to pieces. My eyes widened when I spotted Wendy. She was in her herrscher form. Her teal eyes were glowing with anger. Robots charged at her but she swiftly cut them down. Whoever sent them was loosing a lot of bots and I guess they finally realized.

"All troops retreat back to the ship." 

A red holographic circle appeared and the robots began to move towards it. Bronya moved towards it as well but I moved to intercept her path. I kicked her in the side right before she entered it. Her golem friend didn't like that however and he back handed me into a tree. I groaned and sat up, just in time to see Bronya and her golem being teleported back to the ship.

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