Chapter 15

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i'ts been 3 days since i've moved to another room, and Rose barley's talks to me i'ts like she gives me the silent treatment. but i have to give it to her, she is giving Seth her revenge, like a lot i can't believe he fell right into her trap's. and that DAMN vampire king, got pretty close to Rose. i really need to have a talk with him and her. but let me tell you what kind of revenge she has been giving Seth.

day 1

i woke up a little late, hope there's still food. i walked down the stairs into the kitchen to my surprise nobody was in there. i heard some yelling coming from the training area.

i walked outside to the area and saw everybody into a big circle shouting ''ROSE.ROSE,ROSE''

i walked to the front of the circle and saw Rose standing in her full glory, a black sport bra with black shorts and her beautiful hair into a messy ponytail, she stood against Seth who was into some basketball shorts. she stood tall and pushed Seth hard, but he stood his ground and smirked in her way, he than walked over to her and grabbed her waist, HER FREAKING WAIST.

i was about to punch him to pulp but rose just laughed as he started tickling her, she than pushed him to the ground and straddled him with his hands above his hands, everyone was shouting and cheering for Rose,

Seth was struggling to get out of her hold but she tighten her hold and tickled him with one hand while the other still hold his hands above his hands. then she stopped and smirked a little while holding his hands with two of her hands.

''1'' everybody shouted



Rose smirk got bigger while standing up and walking away past me. i looked from her to Seth who stood there dumbfounded at what just happend he than got a little angry i think cause if you didn't know for a alpha his pride is a big deal and that from him just broke in front of his pack not to forget that the pack cheered for Rose.

but as soon you saw his angry-nis (if that's even a word) he covered it and just laughed like genuine laughed and walked away. after the 'pride remove' Rose did i and everybody else walked into the kitchen and started eating.

after that i walked into my bedroom and took a shower, when i was done i took a run, and soon enough the day turned into night and i didn't see Seth or Rose or the vampire but i trust Rose in that she doesn't something stupid.


heyy guys sorry it took so long for a other episode.

i've  just been busy with school and my hobby's. so again sorry

the next episode will tell you what happend at day 2.

well let me know if you liked this episode also don't forget to like and share the story

that's all seey yaah


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