You Forgot|| part 2

Start from the beginning

He let a frustrated sigh. " Here goes." He thinks.

"I...I didn't want you to find it."


"That night... I had something in my pocket that I didn't want you to find. I needed you to be asleep so I could figure something out."

She thought about it but she was still confused. Why would she need to be asleep?

He must have seen that he was confusing her even more so he continued to explain.

"I haven't been the biggest talker either because I can't lie to you."

"Jug, I don't understand. What are you trying to say?"

He looked around them. Not exactly his ideal situation but it'll have to do.

"This isn't exactly how I planned on doing this but nothing about us has ever been predictable."

She sees him reach into his pocket and gently hold a royal blue box in between them. Bettys' eyes are glued as her vision gets blurry. He doesn't need to open it for her to know what box holds, he does anyway.

"I needed you to be asleep because I needed to make sure this would fit"

She didn't realize she was holding her breath. It was the most beautiful ring she had ever seen. Beautiful and simple. He knew her taste well even though they had never discussed rings, he knew her style anyway.

Both hands came up and she covered her face while shaking her head. What a turn of events! Here she was getting proposed to when only hours ago she swore to walk away from their life together. But how could she ever? When this life, with him, was all she's ever wanted.

She dropped her hands only to see Jughead had gotten down on one knee. It made her giggle a little and of course, want to cry again. If happiness this time. Thank god for waterproof mascara.

Finally breathing normally again, Jughead took a deep breath and his eyes meant hers, seeing nothing else.

"I have loved you my entire life, Betty. You're my muse, my everything, and you will always be my home."

She bites her lips to keep them from quivering. She'll never get used to Jugheads way with words when expressing how he felt about her.

"You're quite actually the only thing that is keeping me sane."

That made them both chuckle.

"Elizabeth Cooper, will you marry me?"

Even though Jughead knew with every fiber of his being that Betty would say yes, it was still the most frightening question he's ever asked.

For Betty, it was a question she didn't need time to think of the answer. When you know, you know. And without a hint of hesitation, she gave him the only answer she knew.

"Yes! Yes, of course!"

He placed the ring where it belonged before being pulled up by Betty, where he belonged. He twirled her around before placing a kiss on her lips, then her nose, her forehead, then placing little pecks all over her face. Betty giggled in between.

She hugged him again. Excited that this horrible evening of her birthday turned out to be the best one yet. Over her shoulder, she could see Veronica through the glass doors, in tears and jumping for joy. No doubt, knowing what just happened. She smiled widely at her best friend and flashed the ring, Ronnie giving her sign of approval.

Jughead must have felt the interaction. He turned and they gave each other a nod and smile.

He turned back to Betty and settled his forehead against hers."Happy Birthday my love"

She kissed him this time. It felt like forever since they've kissed like this. There was a space that Jug had built the last few days and Betty couldn't break it. But now, what's space? Every insecurity she had felt that past week melted away.

She quickly remembered she still had one question "And the working late hours and messages?"

He chuckled to himself, he almost got away with that one. "I've been working extra hours so I could take you to Paris as part of your birthday gift, Toni's been helping me plan the trip so I told her it was only safe to send messages late at night."

She hugged him tightly. Relieved that it was all misunderstanding.

"Never again." He promised her at that moment. She knew what he meant. He'll spend the rest of his life making sure nothing like this happens again.

She pulled back and took another look at her ring. Then rested her forehead on his lips. She wanted to remember this feeling. The love between the two of them that she felt. She signed deeply and smiled to herself "You make me very happy Jughead Jones"

She felt his lips place a little pressure on her forward, kissing it. Letting her know he felt the same way.

He glanced at the clock above the elevator 11:42pm . He smiled to himself as he quickly grabbed Betty's waist, drawing her closer. She yelped as she took hold at his neck and they filled the room with giggles.

His eyes darkened and he smirked "Looks like I still have time to make this birthday really special"

That smirk was so enticing it made Betty's throat dry up. She nodded and bit her bottom lip.

"Shall I carry you up the stairs?" He already was walking towards the stairway when she quickly took a hold of his hand shook her head.

"You're not fast enough."

He laughed. She knew him too well. "Good point"

The looked over at Ronnies direction, of course, she was still there but this time talking on the phone. Too excited. Must be talking to Archie that she's talking to. They both waved and got her attention. She blew a kiss towards Betty and worded " call me tomorrow" before getting into her car.

They made their way to the elevator and before the doors completely closed he pinned her against the elevator wall, leaving no space between them.

And yes, it was definitely a special night.

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