Birthday Surprise!

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It had been six years since the disaster some may call a 'birthday party' and Betty was still feeling guilty. Not that Jughead had made it any easier for her; it was the casual snide comments, and she knew those comments meant no harm but they weighed on her. It had been their first birthday as a couple and it hadn't gone at all as planned. They had gotten to know each other much better since then and had been through so much, together. Together, Betty and Jughead moved away from Riverdale and have never looked back. The pair attended Boston University and lived in an apartment right in the heart of the city. And while Betty and Jughead had their share of hardships, they always managed to come out stronger. Betty snapped out of her reverie as the bell atop the door of a local coffee shop, where she was currently employed, jingled. It had been a relatively slow day and she was eager to see her best friend, Anna, walk through the door. Jughead's birthday was tomorrow and she knew she would need a little help putting the finishing touches on the perfect day she had planned.

"How have you guys lived in this state for four years and never managed to go to the Cape?" Anna asked with an amused lilt in her tone.

"I really don't know" Betty said, slightly embarrassed. She had always made a point to see as much of the state as possible, but every time they had made an effort to go something came up. "Thank you so much again for watching Hot Dog - none of this would have been possible without you," Betty smiled in appreciation.

"Don't mention it; that mutt is really starting to grow on me."

The pair spent the next several hours putting the finishing touches on the plans while Betty helped the few customers that came in.

"If Jughead doesn't fuck you senseless when you get home then there is something seriously wrong with that boy." A crimson tint came over Betty as she hit her friend with the dish towel, trying to hush her friend as the few customers left looked up at the pair with mild disgust.

When Betty got home from work Jughead was already asleep and she crawled into bed next to him, smiling as she saw his own smile crawl across his face from the contact.

Betty had always had trouble sleeping but tonight was different. She was running through millions of scenarios in her mind, of what could go wrong, and her mind always drifted back to that dreadful birthday six years ago. Was she trying so hard to make this birthday perfect that she was just heading straight for the same problems they faced all those years ago? By the time she finally drifted to sleep she knew she only had a couple hours until her alarm went off.


It felt like a train had hit her as she stared at the screen with a mixture of sadness and frustration. However, she soon realized that today was the day - Jughead's birthday. She decided to skip her morning run to make him the perfect breakfast; burgers, fries, and a milkshake. Sure, it wasn't a traditional breakfast but she was sure he would love it. When she was finally done, she put a candle in the burger just to make it extra cliché. She was surprised Jughead hadn't woken up already but she also knew that boy slept like a rock. Betty opened the door to their room quietly and put the tray on the bedside table. She really hated to wake him but she knew if they were going to get through all the things she had planned he needed to wake up soon. She crawled up to Jughead and started peppering kisses all over his body. This would surely wake him up, she thought. His eyelashes started to flutter as he blinked his eyes open, a smile creeping across his face

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" he mumbled sleepily as she continued to kiss him, making her way up to his lips.

"I think you know what day it is," Betty reminded him as he took a pillow and covered his face. This was still not his favorite day, but Betty was always determined to make it his favorite.

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