Jo🌲: Oh..

Peeta🍞: She isn't even going to school

Finnick🐠: I still think she's a mental freak

I decide to leave the conversation at that. I throw my phone onto the other side of the sofa.

~next day~

I walk into school after meeting the group, we sit at our normal spot under the tree.

We start chatting about random stuff, we see Gale walking in with Delly and Thom.

A few minutes later I see Rye walk past with a girl, her hair just past her shoulders, she looks really pretty. They both look over to us.

It's Katniss.

She's cut her long beautiful dark brown hair, it used to be down to her waist, now she's cut it to just slightly past her shoulders.

She doesn't look like she normally does. She's wearing white skinny jeans with black leather boots with 5 inch heels on them. She's wearing a white crop top with a black leather jacket.

Rye stops her and gestures over to us as he speaks. She sighs and nods. He grabs her hand and brings her over.

"Hey" Rye says, while a Katniss stands next to him awkwardly still holding his hand as she hangs her head, looking at the floor.

Rye nudges her and she jerks her head up. "Hey" she croaks and puts her head back down.

He moves his hand to wrap around her waist but flinches and jerks his hand away.

He sighs. "One second" he says and pulls her away.

They talk for a minute before coming back, his hand goes back to her waist. She clenches her eyes shut, almost as if it's pain.

I clench my jaw, I can tell I'm getting jealous because he's around her and holding her and not me.

"Can I talk to Katniss a minute?" I ask.

Rye nods his head. I get up and walk a little away with Katniss following.

"Look, I just wanna say I'm sorry for telling the group about your life"

"I trusted you Peeta" she says as a tear runs down her face.

"I know you did, I'm really sorry, they would have just spread around that you were a killer with a mental disorder if I hasn't"

"I am though! Don't you get it? I am!" She shouts.

"Not to me you aren't" I reply.

"Cut the flirting Peeta"

"I wasn't flirting, I was telling you the honest truth" I shrug.

"Well you were acting as if you were" she says folding her arms.

"Well I'm sorry if it did sound like but I wasn't"

A group of people in out year walk over to us.

"Oh your the one that killed your best friend and got diagnosed with a mental disorder" they laugh.

"Oh fuck off unless you want Rye on your back"

"Pfft, like he could do anything" they scoff.

"The fucking senior Rye not the one in out year"

They shut up. "Why would he do anything to protect you when your boyfriend is right here?"

"Cause he's more of a boyfriend than this was" she says gesturing to me.

I turn and walk back to the group while she deals with them.

"Your fucking girlfriend needs you" I snap to Rye.

"She isn't my girlfriend but okay" he says getting up and walking over.

I look over after a few minutes and see they're walking away laughing while Rye holds Katniss as her face is in his shirt. She pulls away before she picks up her bag and again and turns to walk off. They bust her lip and her nose is bleeding as she holds her left eye.

The group gasps as they see her as she walks out of the school gates.

Rye comes back. "She had that before I got there! You left and caused her face to get smashed"


Ooohh Katniss and Peeta are having a little bad time at the moment😭



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