Chapter 33- My Family is becoming Complete

Start from the beginning

“Oh my god! Katie that’s amazing” Maddie, Bea and Sabrina all said

“Thanks guys” I said

I suddenly got up and sat back down on top of Maddie. Who was surprised to say the least.

“Um…hello there?” Maddie questioned

“Hey” I said

“Care to explain why you are sitting all up on my lap?”  Maddie asked

“Nah”  I said

“Well alright then”  Maddie said

Suddenly Bea and Sabrina followed my lead, Bea sat on my lap and Sabrina sat on Bea’s lap.

“Is today sit on Maddie day or something?” Maddie questioned loudly

Demi must have realized that something was going on because she got out of her chair and came over to where we were sitting. When she saw us all sitting on Maddie, she busted out laughing and took out her phone taking a picture of this scene that had unfolded. She then went back to her seat and sat down next to Nick. I knew she was going to tweet that picture the moment that the plane landed.

Eventually the plane landed and nothing eventful really happened during the rest of our plane ride. Once the did landed, everyone waited to be told that it was okay to get off, we all gathered our bags and went towards the separate cars that would be taking us to each of our houses.

The car that held Demi, Nick, Maddie, Bea, Sabrina and I was a tight fit because Sugar was also with us. So Sugar sat up front, Maddie and I sat in between Nick and Demi and then Bea and Sabrina sat in the last row. Trust me when I say this….it was a very uncomfortable ride back home.

To my distaste, there was traffic on the highway that we took back home. Thankfully the drive home only lasted an hour but I wish that it was shorter because I was so uncomfortable. When we finally arrived home, Maddie and I both shoved at Nick and Demi to get out of the car because WE wanted OUT of the damn car. All this commotion caused Nick, Demi and Sugar to laugh. Holy shit, Sugar laughed. After all this time of knowing both him and Max, I have only seen Max laugh at me and my crazy antics.

Maddie, Bea, Sabrina and I all grabbed our bags and all marched up to my room. We all laid on my bed on top of one another. We all soon decided that we should go swimming in my pool, even though its October, the weather is still really nice. I think we have only had one sorta cold day here in LA and even then it was only 70 degrees outside. Today it is about 85 degrees outside so swimming it is. We all quickly got dressed and as per usual, I was done first because I am amazing. My phone soon buzzed and I saw that someone tweeted me. I opened twitter to find that my mom tweeted the picture we took of the four of us on the plane.

@ddlovato: Apparently it’s sit on Maddie day… @kdlovato @maddielovesyou1 @beamiller @SabrinaAnnLynn

I busted out laughing and everyone looked at me like I was crazy so I turned my phone to face them and they saw the tweet. Maddie looked so mad in that picture but she still wore a slight smirk on her face. Everyone else had the huge ass smile on their faces.  Sabrina, Bea and Maddie all took out there phones and retweeted it. As did I.

We all soon went swimming for some time before it got dark and Demi called us all inside. She ordered pizzas while we changed into our normal street clothes and once the pizzas arrived we took the boxes up to my room and continued our little party.

My phone soon once came back to life but this time it was a text from Selena.

From Auntie SellyBoo
Hey kiddo, wanna come and sleep over tomorrow night? I miss you already!!!

I smiled at how goofy Selena can be

To Auntie SellyBoo
I have to ask Demi real quick but I doubt she will say no, let me double check

I got off of my warm bed and went out on the to the upstairs foyer area, I had a clear view of Nick and Demi sucking on each-others faces. Well I shouldn’t say sucking but they were smacking lip pretty heavy like. Time to make them red.

“Hey MOM” I yelled down

They separated and mom looked at me, she seemed embarrassed

 “Yes Katie?” Demi asked

“Can I sleep over at Aunt Selena’s place tomorrow?” I asked giving her my puppy dog face knowing that she couldn’t say no to it

“Sure babygirl. Maybe Nick and I can have a date night” Demi said

“Thanks momma” I said

I turned around and walked back to my room. Halfway to my room, I once again stopped.

“Oh and Nick?” I asked out

“Yes Katie” Nick called up

“GET SOME” I shouted out

Laughter burst from my room so I figured that the girls heard me, and that made me smile.

I got no reply from Nick or Demi so I figured I made them both embarrassed. My plan worked. YAY! I then went back into my room and texted Aunt Selena back.

To Auntie SellyBoo
Demi said yes

Seconds later I got my reply for her

From Auntie SellyBoo
Awesome, I will pick you up around 3 in the afternoon.

With that I locked my phone again knowing that she knew I was perfectly fine with that. I went back to the three girls in my bedroom and re-joined my sleepover.  

We watched movies, played the Playstation 4 that I had in my room. I really missed all the other systems that I had but they would back in the house at the end of the week. Since they were still on the tour bus and the bus was on its way back here to LA to get taken apart and repainted for who ever was using it for their next tour. 

We all soon went to sleep because we were exhuasted from today. 

Chapter 33! It's a filler chapter because I literally have the next three chapters planned out in my head already and I can't wait to type them out. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter enough to vote and comment. 

I do see this book ending around chapter 60, I'm not sure if I will do a sequel because I just feel like I am dragging it on. But who know I may end it and then come back and start up a sequel. It depends on how I feel at that moment.

Anyways, I'm over and out. Goodnight you lovely sexy humans

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