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Clove woke up to arguing. She couldn't make out the figures considering her vision was slightly blurred but she could feel her head in someone's lap and her feet in another's.

"You need to figure out what wrong and fix it! I cant lose Clove! I cant!" Max yelled as she pointed a finger at Mike

"You don't think i'm worried? It's been over two hours and she hasn't woken up! I've been in Cloves life a lot longer then you have!" Mike yelled at her

"Oh yeah? Well at least i'm not holding things over her head! Some best friend you are" Max scoffed

"Guys, she's waking up" Will said as he looked over at Clove

"Clove? Hey" Lucas said as she looked up at him before squeezing her eyes shut again

"Hey, you feel okay?" Max asked while kneeling down next to her

"M-" she got out before groaning

"Is it your head?" El asked as Clove went to sit up but groaning and falling back down onto Lucas lap while grabbing her abdomen

"Sorry kiddo, had to get that thing out of you though" Jonathan said with a frown as Clove looked at the long scar from her rib to her belly button

"thank you" she got out while looking to Max and grabbing her hand

"Mike" she said as he kneeled down

"Yeah, i'm here too" he said as she softly smiled

"It's okay" she said while staring at him

"What?" he asked her confused

"I heard you" she said as he smiled softly

"Is everyone okay?" she asked while Will, Lucas, and Max helped her sit up more as she pulled the yellow jumper closer to her body

"Yes, are you?" El asked as she stared at her

"Yeah I think so" she nodded while offering the taller girl a smile

"Do you guys hear that?" Nancy asked while walking toward the window

"It's just the fireworks" Jonathan said even though he didn't sound so sure

"Billy. When he told you all that, was it here in this room?" Nancy asked while looking toward El

"Told her what?" Clove asked confused

"We'll explain soon" Max told her with a small smile

"The flayed was also connected to Clove.." Nancy trailed off after El nodded. Mike stood up and looked around

"He knows we're here" Will said while touching his neck. Clove gave a confused look as she didn't feel it anymore before she was being drug out the house with the others to see the large flayed monster knocking over trees and coming toward them

"You've got to be f-" Clove began but was cut off by the monster letting out a loud yell as they all rushed inside and tried to cover all the windows

"You shouldn't be heavy lifting" Max said to Clove

"You can worry about me later, gotta protect you right now" Clove said to her while hitting the nail into the board

"Get away from the windows" Nancy said as they all baked away while she held up a large shot gun

"Wow Nanc, that's badass" Clove said to her as Max pulled her closer as while they all looked around the room, waiting for the creature to attack

"It's close" Will said as the lamps and plates started to move

Cherry Wine| Max Mayfieldحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن