.four ⁱ ˡⁱᵏᵉᵈ ʰᵉʳ

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"Everyone dressed up last year." Dustin continued to complain on the bike ride home.

"Dustin, it's fine okay? You guys look cute." Clover said as she cycled next to Mike.

"No we looked like idiots." Mike corrected her.

"Hey guys." Dustin said as they look behind them, seeing a car coming full speed at them.

"Go! Go!Go!" Mike shouted as they picked up on their speed before swerved off the road.

"You okay?" Mike asked while he helped Clove stand.

"Yeah, you good?" she asked while he nodded and let go of her.

"Wait is that..." Dustin began out of breath as he looked down the road.

"Mad Max." Lucas breathed out as Clover frowned her eyebrows and watched the car fly down the street .

"Okay, one more big smile." Levan said as Clover stood in her costum next to the stairs as she smiled big.

"Okay, and hands on the hips." he said as Clover did so and flashed a wink while her Dad laughed before the door bell rang.

"That's probably the boys." Clover said as he smiled.

"Go get them so I can give them some oranges."" Levan smiled as he jogged to get the bowl while Clove laughed and swung the door open.

"Where's you costume?" Lucas as with frowned eyebrows as Clover raised her eyebrows.

"I'm Sam." she announced.

"Sam?" Dustin asked in confusion

"From Sixteen Candles?" Clover questioned, hoping they'd catch on.

"Wasn't she a redhead?" Mike questioned while Clove sighed.

"Yeah but-" she began but cut herself off with a eye roll.

"Come in, and please be nice to my Dad. You know he's sensitive." Clove said as she let them in.

"Why wouldn't we be?" Dustin asked.

"You look great Clove, I knew you were Sam."Will smiled at the girl.

"Thank you for the kind words, Byers." Clove smiled at him, considering they were the same hight

"Hey you guys!" Levan grinned widely as he walked over to the five with a bowl.

"Hey Mr.Reyes." Lucas greeted.

"Okay, bag open." he said while the four boys held them out, Levan dropped the round oranges in their pillow cases.

"Oranges?" Dustin asked with his mouth slightly aggaped.

"Yeah, healthy halloween. You get it?" Levan asked with a giggle while the four boys stared at him before Clove cleared her throat loudly.

"Thanks so much Mr.R."Mike began.

"Yeah we love them." Will added in with a forced smile.

"We better get going, bye Dad." Clover said as she drug the boys out the house.

"Bye you guys!" Levan shouted back .

"A healthy halloween?" Lucas asked.

"Shut up." Clover said with a grin while they began walking down the street.

"Trick or treat." they all said why coming up to a ladies house.

"Aw aren't you cute? A prom queen and little exterminators." she gushed while all their smiles feel before taking the candy and walking off.

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