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As the group all began to put up all the things they had around the small shed in the back, Clove found herself thinking. Thinking about her friends, her family, El, Max... she was worried. And all she could do now was have hope that this would work as she plugged in the bright lights

"Are you worried?" Clove asked Nancy from where they sat leaning on the wall together

"Very, are you?" Nancy asked the girl who sighed

"More scared then worried but yeah... I really am" Clove nodded as Nancy patted her knee

"When did your Mom get home?" Nancy asked as she looked over to Levan and Stella sitting next to each other on the couch

"Two days ago, she was staying in a bunker. She was trapped in the upside down but that's were she went once she got out" Clove said as she looked over at Nancy

"It's not your fault" the blue eyes girl said

"It might be" Clove said as Nancy put a arm around her

"It's not" she stated once again as the lights began blinking, causing them to stand as Hopper walked in

"I think he's talking but not with words" he told them all as he began writing stuff down

"What is that?" Steve asked, looking down at the dots Hopper was drawling

"Morse Code" Clove and Mike stated

"H-E-R-E" Hopper spelled out

"Here" All the teens said

"Wills still in there, that what he's telling us" Clove stated

"He's talking to us" Hopper nodded while looking up at her

The next hour consisted of them putting together all the words Will was telling them one by one. Yelling out random letters as Joyce, Mike, and Jonathan all spoke to the smallest boy. Nancy wrote them down quickly to sort out the words with the fellow AV members inside

"Close Gate" they all said as Nancy finished writing just as the phone rang, causing them to all gasp as Dustin runs over and took it off the line before slamming it again. It was silent for a second before it rang again, causing Nancy to pull it off the line and smash it onto the floor

"Do you think he heard that?" Max questioned

"It's just a phone, he could be anywhere" Steve added in as Clove looked around just as they heard the sound of the Demodogs

"That's not good" Dustin said with wide eyes

"Hey! Hey get away from the windows!" Hopper said as the kids quickly backed away as everyone ran inside as Mike quickly joined Clove's side

"Do you know how to use this?" Hopper asked as he held a large gun up to Jonathan, who's eyes widened

"What?" he asked

"Can you use this?" Hopper asked again

"I can" Nancy said while Hopper tosses it to her

"Bad ass Nanc" Stella grinned at the girl while Mike grabbed a candle stick and pushed Clove behind him some as she did the same to Max as a Demodog suddenly flew through the window but it appeared to be limb

"Is it dead?" Max asked as Hopper kicked it with his foot gently as the slime was mixed with blood, causing Clove to gag and race for the bathroom while her Father jogged after her

"That was so gross" Clove stated as she puked her guts up

"You've always had a weak stomach, didn't you puke last year too?" Levan asked as Clove wiped her mouth and flushed the toilet

Cherry Wine| Max MayfieldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon