Chapter Sixteen

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I was looking forward to the rest of my evening, beginning with the solitude of my own room. I made my way back from Nerissa's room after we bid our farewells, down the hall and towards my room. I was just passing the kitchen, with my room in sight and my relaxing thoughts beginning to emerge, creeping out from wherever they had been hiding this week. I heard that the kitchen was occupied, so I tried to pass as quietly and quickly as possible so I didn't have to fake small talk with anyone passing. I swear I did not make a sound, I even held my breath whilst passing the entrance to the kitchen, but somehow I still made myself known, and the cluttering in the kitchen came to an abrupt stop, as I heard someone's footsteps begin to get closer. The footsteps seemed somewhat familiar, and made me slightly nervous at the same time.

That's when Jared came round the doorway and stood deadly still, blocking the view into the kitchen as he stared straight at me, his eyes piercing with seriousness. "Good evening. Audrey Rose isn't it?" he growled, with a sly smile on his lips. Jared was my least favourite of Zachery's guards, as he was very quiet, always looked miserable, and always made me feel uneasy when he was around. He is also the one guard which Zachery never really mentions when speaking. Giles is the main one, and often seems very pleasant, even though he looks intimidating. The other two are usually monitoring the hotel entrance and Zachery's room most of the day, so I didn't really have the opportunity to vet them out other than when I was walking past them during the day, but even then they seemed kind enough and always acknowledged me when I smiled at them. Jared though... He seems to be the one who sorts out Zachery's public affairs, his transportation, accommodation, all of the arrangements he may ever need... But he always seems bitter, and utterly disgusted with everyone, deeming them inadequate in comparison to himself and Zachery. He even looks down his nose at Zachery every now and then, but it goes unnoticed by most, apart from Zachery of course, who notices everything.

"Good evening, sir. Yes, it is. I was just heading to my room, I didn't mean to disturb you." I said, half meaning it, and half feeling he was the one who interrupted my evening, as I didn't plan on having a chitchat with the royal version of Frankenstein. "Oh no, my dear, I was quite hoping I would see you about at some point anyway." He said sloppily, which made it apparent that he had been drinking. It was evident not only in his speech, but the way which he was leaning up against the door frame as if it was the only thing stopping him from swaying about merrily, and when he spoke, his breath smelt of pure undiluted whiskey. The fact he was hoping to see me was also concerning. "Why me?" I thought to myself, confused over why he even noticed me out of all the other staff. Unless...

"I can sense your confusion from over here sweetheart. No need. I just wanted to inform you that I have become aware of you and the Duke having little chats in the hallways. I, being a modern man myself, have no objection to this type of scandal. However, you must be cautious. Getting close to the Duke only causes pain, and I do not wish that for you, as you seem like a charming young lady." I swear when he spoke this last part a glimmer of something indecent played on his face. He was speaking to me as if from experience, but what he was saying made no real sense, as none of the royal family or their guards ever acknowledged the disappearances Zachery mentioned...

"What do you mean, causes pain?" I fired back, not bothering with the pleasantries any further.

"It is a dangerous game, Audrey Rose. A game which I don't think you wish to play. Now, I will leave you to get on with the rest of your evening. It was lovely to see you." Jared paused for a moment after speaking, gazing at me quizzically, and then spun round on his heels and headed back off down the hall, where I presume he would be meeting the other guards, or Zachery. I wonder if he would even make it to them in one piece, with the amount of alcohol he must of consumed being close to poisonous.

"What in the hell just happened? Did he threaten me?" I asked myself out loud as I began to walk away, completely baffled as to what I should be feeling right now. I always had a funny feeling about Jared, but now that has been overwhelmed by a multitude of funny feelings, mainly disgust and concern. I won't let him ruin my night though, I can worry about it in the morning once I'm refreshed. I will also speak to Zachery about this, maybe he will be able to tell me something like 'Oh yes, that's just Jared for you' or 'Oh no, not again...' Something, anything, to make me feel less uncomfortable about what he said.

When I finally got into my room, my whole body deflated as I let out a long awaited sigh. I traipsed over to the bathroom to start running my bath, this time making sure to avoid the mirror, as I didn't fancy seeing what kind of mess I looked like today. "Now, relax..." I told myself. I definitely needed this. 

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