Chapter 4

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Thank heavens my brother Chance's place was not far away. If I'd had to travel any further, I probably would've driven my car into a ditch or into oncoming traffic. Not that there was much around the community as many walked from place to place, but Chance lived on the outskirts, so close to town that if you stepped over his property line, you'd be off pack lands.

Seeing as he was my older brother, he's always been protective of me. Monty, my younger brother, was clear on the other side of the territory and, though he was protective of me as well, Chance was the one I relied on when push came to shove. And this was shove. Big time.

I wiped the remnants of my tears away with the back of the hand not holding onto dear life to a suitcase, and knocked on his door.

"Lena?" he asked, immediately becoming concerned by the look on his face. His eyes swept from my face to my suitcase, and a hardened, angry look washed over him, a tightening of his jaw as his lips curved down in a frown. "What the fuck did he do to you?"

It didn't take a rocket scientist to realize that this had everything to do with Webb but, in all honesty, I didn't blame him, not one bit.

"Nothing," I said. His look said he didn't believe me, and I sighed. "He didn't do anything, honestly. He...he found his mate."

Chance blinked twice, and his face softened. He knew, just as much as I did, that this was still a slight possibility.

"Oh, sweetheart," he murmured softly and pulled me into a warm, brotherly hug that had my heart aching and chest tightening. "I'm so, so sorry."

I sniffled, burrowing my head into his chest and letting a soft sob come out.

"Come in, come in," he coaxed me, his head swiveling on his shoulders. "No need to give the neighbors a peek into this shit."

Though Chance's nosy neighbors all knew shifters of all kinds existed, we kept our true nature on the down low and I was pretty certain that they had no idea that Chance and his mate, Cara, were wolves. Knowing the Parkers, who lived two houses down, they'd never have any privacy. They were known as being the biggest busybodies in town. Tell them a secret, and the next thing you knew, the entire state was aware of your every movement. Instead of mouths that closed when the word secret was uttered, they had huge gaping maws that spilled gossip like a heavy summer downpour spilled water.

I was soon seated in the living room with a mug of hot cocoa—ridiculous in the summer heat of southern Georgia, but it was my go-to comfort drink—and a thin blanket around me. Cara came out from taking a shower after having worked all day in the daycare in town, and she took in my huddled form on the couch with instantaneous, indignant righteousness. On my behalf, of course. Cara was actually a close friend of mine when we were growing up, and it was actually pretty awesome that she was mated to my brother. One of my best friends in grade and high school, and now, a sister.

"What did he do?" she threw out, hands planted on her hip and ready to tussle.

God love her, she was fantastic. Though we didn't speak as much nowadays, I still trusted her with my life. Besides, I was Chance's little sister, and the bond between them was tight. They even said the same shit all the time.

"Nothing," I said, instantly giving a small, sad smile.

"Webb found his mate," Chance told her, coming to sit beside me on the couch.

"Holy shitballs," Cara grunted out, her form relaxing a bit.

I didn't blame Webb. Not really.

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