Chapter 12 : I'm a Kim

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Now that I think about it, fortunately it was me who had to go to Ms. Manoban's house. She would have come to my house, I wouldn't have been able to have fun as I would like, especially with my father who wouldn't have left me alone with her for a single second. If only he knew where I was already at with her. 

The neighborhood was pleasant with the passers-by dressed in a classy style, we immediately understood that we were in Gangnam. Its imposing buildings, its luxurious stores that ran along the avenue with its bright showcases that highlighted collector's items from great designers, it was the good life. 

Ms. Manoban and I lived in the same area except that I was on the other side. Her neighbourhood was a little quieter than mine but we could still find the same spirit of Gangnam. 

I arrived very quickly at his apartment whose outside structure was not so different from mine. I took the elevator arriving in a few minutes on the floor. As I walked in the corridor, my heart was beating fast. I wasn't scared but so excited that I'll see her place. I mean, it was a new step for me. 

But I internally smirked when I remembered that new idea that I got when I was preparing my stuff for the lessons. It was childish but I found it so funny. I was still annoyed with what she had done yesterday but it was useless to be stuck on it when I could take my revenge. I'm a little disappointed that she thinks so little of me. Proof that she was new in the area, but it won't be for long when she understands once and for all that you shouldn't mess with me.

It didn't take long before Ms. Manoban opened the door. She stood in front of me like a model who had just finished a shooting. She wore black linen pants with a simple grey t-shirt that made her appetizing. She was different in her house clothes, she looked relaxed but still as serious as ever. 

"Please come in," she stepped aside to let me in. The first thing that jumped out at me when I stepped into the apartment was that it was huge. It was equipped with Scandinavian furniture causing a total change of scenery.

Ms. Manoban was a professor of French literature, so I had imagined that her place looked like one of those castles in Versailles with its red velvet drapes and paintings that decorated different parts of her house. 

I know, it's very cliché

However, I had already noticed the way she dressed. She was a modern woman with a new perspective. 

"You can already look through the books and see what you would like us to review today. By the way, wanna drink something?" she poked her head out of the fridge waiting for my answer.

"A simple glass of water will be enough for me," I replied politely, causing a sceptical look from her. Because a girl as hot as me couldn't just drink water?

"Here," she placed the glass on the coffee table and sat next to me. Her cologne was slightly different today. A touch of masculine, male-dominated and sensual with always that refreshing taste. I swear, one day I'd sneak into her house and steal all her perfumes.

For two hours, I was focused on what she was explaining to me and I really applied myself to the fact that she was starting to suspect if I was preparing something. Like any good student, I asked my questions while writing on my sheets what I needed to remember. She finally lowered her guard when we started the last hour of the lesson, it was a signal that it was time for me to get my little revenge back.

So here is the chapter on the Age of Enlightenment. Put the dates on the timeline for me," she handed me a green marker so that I could write the dates on the timeline we had drawn in our previous lesson. 

I stared at the sheet pretending to think and not find the answer because of course I knew it was the 18th century. I may not have studied much, but I wasn't an uncultured person. I could feel her frustration behind me, she was controlling herself not to tear the marker out of my hand and yell at me to tell me when the Age of Enlightenment had taken place.

"Look Kim-"

"Can you just give me a hint?" those puppy eyes, I missed not doing them. Combined with my baby voice, no one was able to resist it even the devil wouldn't dare refuse me.

She let a long sighed and got up from her armchair to sit next to me. She reached out her hand open waiting for me to give her the marker, but I wanted it to be a little more intimate.

"I only remember if I write on the sheet. Can you just guide me? Please?" 

"So demanding Kim," she rolled her eyes and came closer to me. She had to place her arm around me to reach my arm. She took my hand with the marker and wrote the different dates on the timeline. Her face so close to me gave me chills that this sweet warm sensation appeared again between my legs, "Don't look at me but the sheet Kim," she groaned. 

"Is it my fault that what's next to me is more interesting to look at?"

"Do you want another comment on your next copy?"

"If it's to insinuate things sexually, why not," I huskily said brushing my lips to her earlobe. I knew how to turn her on because it was child's play. Whatever she did, she had to admit that she lost face as soon as I touched her or changed the tone of my voice. She was incredibly sensitive and weak. 

So easy tsk. 


"Mmmh I like how my name rolls on your tongue. It's so sexy that my first name shouldn't be the only thing to roll on it," it was my turn to guide her hand by putting it under my pants. The palm of her hand was burning like my pussy was.

"Fucking hell Jennie Kim," she growled as soon as her fingers touched the wetness of my panties. I was sopping wet when she didn't even do anything.

Manoban power.

"What are you waiting for to slip a finger into me? Can't you see I'm ready for you?" she pulled my panties out of the way and didn't waste time pushing not one finger but two. She fucked me relentlessly. I was so wet that you could hear the sound when her fingers came in and out of my pussy.

While I was moaning like a crazy old woman on her couch, with a free hand I grabbed my purse looking for my phone. She was so busy toying my pussy and sucking my neck that she didn't notice that I had turned on Instagram story and that I was taking a short video. I took the video so that you can't see properly her face. I had a talent for even putting a short caption on the video before I put it in my story.

'Having fun right now'

You could see it in a face buried in my neck while my eyes were closed, obviously enjoying it. I wasn't afraid of the people who were going to see my story, I was never the innocent girl anyway. But that should teach her that I can ruin her reputation, especially when she thinks she's invincible.

Don't mess with a Kim. 

Bad lust - JENLISATempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang