The Princess Miss Her Knight

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"Just another day of killing spree," said Yn before he pulled out Rebellion from a dead body laying on the floor.

He walks to a chair where another dead body at. He pushed it away and sat on the chair, stretching his stiff body.

"Whooooam....need some rest."

Once the beast was about to calmed down, a phone on the desk ringing. Yn raised a brow. "I think I'm far from shop...," He take the phone and answer. "Devil May Cr--fuc...,"

<Ah! I know you will answer, Yn.> It's Lucifer's voice.

"Lucifer? What's up? Ya' need something?"

<Nah. Just want to ask something....>

"Go ahead."

<I heard you're helping my daughter with her hotel business? Is that true?>

"Correct. Just consider as a bonus work from me for the most fun job you gave me," Yn smirked.

<Haha! Glad you like it. By the way, is your identity revealed yet?>

"No. Even your daughter didn't know my real name. Let's just make it a surprise."

<I see. Need to admit that you're cool, man. You manage to gain countless title in a couple of month.>

"People call me with many name, so I'm already get used to that."

<Alright. Oh! And one more thing, Yn. I want you to come with me to visit my daughter.>

"Aight. When?"

<Maybe today, i don't know just stand by, okay?>

"Sure. I'll call you later," Yn hung up the phone.

The phone ringing again, Yn take it and it was a customer of the company he just murdered.

"How much you can pay?" He's getting an answer he wanted to hear. "Okay, you'll find em' dead just in minute."

Yn leave the place and went to his target place. "If i can make money, why not?"


Hazbin Hotel.

Quiet a silent in Hazbin Hotel, we can see the staff chilling in the lobby. And Charlie is in her room, jotting on her diary with a bored look on her face. But when he think about what happened in the theater last night, she crack a smile. She still could feel the warm Yn's body in her hand.

Suddenly, she's remembering everything she know about Yn, his mass murder action, his face, his snowy white hair, his red outfit, and his rebel personality.

"For the first i see him scary, but now i see him charming....very charming."

Then she suddenly remember something that Yn said in the past...

"....if you need me, just say 'Dante' 3 time."

For some reason Charlie smiling and getting excited. She wear her blazer, take her diary and went to the rooftop.


Charlie finally arrived eventhough she need to use the stair cuz' the elevator is broken. " we go."

Charlie take a deep breath and saying, "Dante....Dante....Dante," nothing happen, so she try again. "Dante....Dante....Dante!"

She scan around her, but nothing happened. Charlie sigh in sadness.

"What's with the sigh?"

The voice make Charlie's eye widened, she smiled and bite her bottom lip due to her excitement. She turn and saw the man in red sitting on the 'Hazbin' sign.

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⏰ Son güncelleme: Dec 03, 2019 ⏰

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