Swear you'll protect him!

He nodded again, stronger.


"I swear!"

All at once, he could breathe, he was warm, he was calm, and Hamlet's form had shrunk back into a shadowy spot against the wall.

Keep him safe. Please. He was the only thing worth living for.

And the ghost was gone.


Horatio got better.

He stopped drinking, he stopped cutting, he didn't indulge any self-destructive thoughts. Under the careful eye of the King, he grew from the shell of a person he once was back into Horatio: the man that the dead prince loved. And the one that Fortinbras was beginning to, much to Hamlet's mixed joy and horror.

Alas, when Horatio moaned "my lord" beneath him, Fortinbras couldn't tell who he was thinking of. He wondered if it could be both of them.

He decided it didn't matter as Horatio's breathing evened out beside him. The royal bedchambers were quiet, and peaceful enough with the presence of the scholar for even Fortinbras' alertness, learned from war, to fade into content relaxation.

It was this relaxed state that did not allow the King to realize Hamlet was there until a pale hand was reaching over him to reverently touch Horatio's cheek.

He's beautiful, isn't he?

"He is, but what the hell are you doing here?" Fortinbras hissed through clenched teeth.

It's been forever since I've seen him like this. Just because I'm dead and you're not doesn't mean you're the only one of us allowed to admire him.

"It still doesn't feel right."

Hamlet appeared on the other side of the bed, sitting on the edge with loving eyes fixed on Horatio. Had he not addressed him, Fortinbras would have guessed the ghost wasn't even aware of his presence.

It only needs to feel wrong if I don't love him too, and God knows you're entirely aware that I do.

Then he was silent, transparent fingers tracing Horatio's lips and jaw and closed eyes, a deep yearning in the way he smiled.

Fortinbras was back at ease, eyelids drooping sleepily. "Just don't wake him."

The ghost didn't look up, but his smile faded.

Don't worry. I can't.


"Oh, fuck. Another one of these," Horatio said when he opened his eyes.

It was Elsinore, but the halls were different and none of the doors opened and it was always night outside. He sat against a wall and banged his head on it.

"Tired of this, tired of this, tired of-"

He cut himself off. Hamlet, the one he knew at Wittenberg that had a constant sort of happiness buzzing around him, was speed walking down the dark hall with his nose in a book. Horatio stood and caught him by the arm as he passed.


At his name, the prince grinned, dropping the book to pull Horatio into a crushing hug. Horatio allowed himself a long moment to drown in Hamlet's presence, his smell, the feel of his arms around him, and then pulled away.

"The psychiatrist said I'd stop having dreams about you by now."

Hamlet's mouth opened in bewilderment and he reached out for Horatio, but the scholar stepped back.

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