There's a good reason these tables are numbered

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Hoi! I just revisited some Panic! albums, and I got a certain song with an obnoxiously long name stuck in my head. Upon reading the lyrics, I found myself picturing somewhat of a scenario that I then realized I could apply to R&J. (The song is up top, if anyone actually listens to what I put in the media.)

I've recently noticed that I don't really describe what everyone is wearing in previous chapters, so I'm trying to do more of that. I love picturing outfits, I'm afraid, so you may get more of that than you'd like.


~ Juliet's PoV ~

I looked over myself in the mirror for the last time, confirming that I would turn some heads at the party tonight.

I was wearing a black velvet top that was open in the back and tied around the back of my neck, tucked neatly at the bottom into a silky white skirt that stopped just under my knees. It flared out in a beautiful circle when I spun around.

To top off the fancy outfit, I had my wavy black hair pulled up into a bun on the back of my head. I'd let Ophelia go nuts on my face with her extensive makeup kit, and she'd painted my eyes with perfect wings and subtle eyeshadow, as well as giving my lips a satisfying wine red tone.

"Juliet! You ready to go?" I heard my date call anxiously through the bathroom door.

"Relax, honey. You know they won't leave without us," I responded as I stepped into the hotel bedroom.

Romeo sat on the bed, nervously bouncing his leg. I smirked slightly at the idea of being able to show him off tonight. He was in the standard three-piece suit, but somehow I didn't think any other guy at the party would be able to pull a near identical (because I was certain they'd all be wearing some variation of that exact suit) outfit off quite so well. I'd have to keep an eye on him, I decided.

"We don't have to stay the whole time, you know," I said, kneeling down in front of him and gently stroking his cheek.

"You realize that I wouldn't tell you if I didn't want to stay, right?" he replied, giving me a sheepish smile.

"I know. I just thought I'd remind you."

Romeo chuckled, standing up to spin me around. We both laughed as I let go of his hand to whirl around the room so the skirt would flare up. I fucking loved the skirt.

Our little moment was interrupted by the one and only Cutest Couple Ever at the door. I quickly slipped on my black flats as Horatio greeted Romeo. Deeming the other two occupied, Hamlet approached me.

"M'lady," he said, bowing dramatically and holding out his hand. I giggled, placing my hand on his. He pressed a kiss to it and winked at me, turning my giggle into a full laugh.

"Hey!" Romeo exclaimed, putting a hand to his heart in mock offense. "If you get to steal my date, I get to steal yours!"

He wrapped his arm around the waist of an amused Horatio. Horatio, apparently in the mood to mess with his boyfriend, slung an arm around Romeo's shoulders and leaned his head onto the taller boy's shoulder.

"Here," Hamlet negotiated. "I'll trade you."

He swept me up into his arms, holding me bridal style. I knew he wouldn't drop me, but I still squeaked as he plopped me into Romeo's embrace.

~ Time skip past the car and all that jazz. I got stuck after that paragraph for like half an hour, and finally just decided to leave the scene there. ~

"Ah, if it isn't Verona's very own Romeo and Juliet! Here to get over some exes, are we?" Mercutio called before my foot even hit the street.

"Thanks for inviting us," I said, rolling my eyes but unable to keep a small smile off my lips as I pulled my frame out of the car.

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