Chapter 30

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          Are all the Morgan men endowed with good looks? I haven't seen the women. Are they beautiful? "You're early. I thought you said you'll be coming at 6 pm." "It's almost 6 pm Chloe." "It is?" Looking at the light outside, I realised I must have napped more longer than I should. "Oops. Let me lock up then we'll go." "I was so happy to see Chloe again and boom! She's your fiancé? Sorry bro for asking her out for a date. I wouldn't have done it if I knew. Anyway, congratulations on your engagement. So... When's the big day?" Jared clapped Nick's shoulder and said, "Just wait for your invitation card."


Jack: Legal team at police station now. Goons admitted Linda gave orders.

Jared: 👏👍 Charge her wit intention of murder. Also query goons 4 past works wit her. Tis sud lock her 4 gud. Keep me posted.

Jack: Yes Sir.

          I felt slightly better. She won't easily get off from this one.


          We were hugging each other getting ready to sleep when a sudden thought came to my mind. It has bothered me before but before I'm married to Jared, I need to be sure. "Jared." "Hm..." "Can I ask you something?" "What?" "Do you do anal sex?" Jared suddenly sat up with his brow scrunched up together and looked intensely at me. "Are you suggesting that you want me to do that to you?" "No. I was hoping that you will never ever do such a disgusting thing to me." I think he's processing what I just said as he kept on gazing into my eyes.

          "Chloe. When my mom forced us three brothers to learn about women's menstruation cycle, she also taught us some facts about anal sex. One, it's totally unhygenic for men as we can get e-coli bacterial infections on our little friends. Two, human's anal holes don't have pleasure senses or any G spots like vaginas have so it's untrue that human can feel any pleasure at all. All those porn videos showing women having a blast getting anal are all acting. Three, anal holes are supposed to be closed tightly and in most cases, women who had anal sex before tends to have accidental leakage." Yikes! "Four, vaginas can expand to accommodate the size of a baby's head so I prefer the original way because my little friend here might get a PHD with a tight squeeze." "What PHD?" Grinning, Jared said "A Permanent Head Damage. Guys with small little birdies prefers the tight squeeze of anal holes. Phew....I felt like I just gave you a sex education." He flopped back down on the bed.

          "It's uh...good to know that you're against it. Yeah...very good to know. Very educational," I chuckled. "I guess it could be one of the reasons why some women went for divorces. I mean you can love someone but if that someone always forces you to do something that you don't want, even love can't withstand it." "Chloe.....I told you before. I will never do anything to harm you or without asking your permission. I love you. Now stop thinking so much. Let's get some sleep," and kissed my forehead. "I love you too Jared." Kissing him back, I went to sleep.

          The next morning, there was some news of that night's brawl in the paper and on the web but there's was no mention of any Morgans involved. There were just a few ugly mug shots of the gangsters. Perhaps Timothy and Jared have something to do about it. I wasn't wrong when I said that woman is short of one wire in her head. She's so vindictive too. "Investigators just confirmed that it's not the first time she did this. The first one was when she was still a university student and I guess her victims were mostly women. It was never linked to her. I think her family covered up all her messes and messed her up even more. I can't imagine what happened to her past victims. I'm getting our legal team to dig up as much as possible so that she will be locked up for good. Chloe.....Are you okay if I get few guys to follow you around when you're outside without me?"

         "Follow me? I.....I don't know." "Please. I'll feel much more better knowing you're protected." "Are they going to stand outside my shop? That won't do." "I can instruct them to be discreet or maybe you can make them wait in a room at your shop?" "If they are going to be in my shop, can I at least make friends with them? I guess it will be kind of weird if I wasn't somehow acquainted with them." Jared was quiet as he looked into my eyes. "I will get the ugly ones for you."

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