Chapter 7

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          Taking out my phone, I called my head of security. "Status of the power cut." "It wasn't just us Sir. Info from headquarters just confirmed the same incidents at your family's residences as well. I think it's something to do with the storm. Bad news is it's getting stronger. Best stay inside Sir." "Tell everyone to maintain minimal power usage." "Yes Sir."


Jared: Storm getting bad. Is everyone OK?

Timothy: We r OK. Started Blue Alert.

Mom: We r OK too.

Christian: What's happening?

Dad: There's been no hurricane for yrs. Let's hope it's not. Stay indoors.

Timothy: K Dad.

Jared: Stay safe everyone.

Christian: 👌

          "Is everything alright?" Looking up, I didn't realise the Tshirt that I gave to Chloe was a thin one. Shit! My shaft twitched. Clearing my throat, "I've got bad news and good news." "Bad news first." "Bad news is this storm is getting worse and there's a black out in the whole city." "That bad? What's the good news?" Grinning, "You get to spend more time with your new boyfriend. You're staying here." She blushed! "Wh...why do you still have power here then?" "I have 3 big generators that are strong enough to supply power to a small town. We should be good for few days on minimal usage."


          "Wow. You guys do prepare for emergencies." Jared patted the seat beside him on the couch. "Come. Have a seat." Sitting beside him, I felt a little nervous. "I hope my clothes are comfortable." Yes and smells wonderfully like you. "Yes. Thanks again." "I had already asked my maid to put your wet clothes in the laundry. Do you want something to drink?" "No I'm fine." "Chloe..... Are you scared of me?" "A little." "I wouldn't do anything to harm you or without asking your permission." Hearing those words from him actually made me feel a little better.

          "May I hold your hands?" Looking down at his masculine hands, "Okay." Smiling, he reached for my hands. His hands are big and warm against my small hands. "Tell me more about yourself Chloe." I like the way he says my name. "You tell me about yourself first. With your sensitive nose, I'm curious about how you went through school life."

          "My parents wanted us to keep low profiles so they sent us to a regular school. My dad doesn't believe that going to prestigious schools will make us excel better in our studies. He said if we have it," pointing to his head, "we have it. The three of us mostly hang out together. There wasn't any problems not until we reached junior high when girls started to wear their perfumes. My brothers helped me a lot by guarding me from unwanted scents. Eventually I only hang out with a selected few. A decent group of friends that others call as geeks or bookworms. They didn't trust me at first because of my non bookworm face and my body size. However, we became good friends until today. Some are even working for me. It was a little harder in my university years so I did my best and I graduated earlier."

         "Enduring all that you went through shows that you a patient and strong willed person. While the long lasting friendships that you have with your friends shows that you are a faithful person with a big heart. They're lucky to have you as their friend." "That's the most wonderful thing anyone has ever said to me. Can you repeat that again? I need to record it." Playfully beating his arm, he chuckled and pretended to be hurt. Smiling, "Thank you."

          "How about girls?" "Well..... When Timothy just started his university years, someone recognised him and words got out about who we really are. The girls that came afterwards were mostly after money or fame. I only ever dated one girl but I never had any intention of asking her to become my girlfriend. "Why?" "It's not a good idea for me to tell you." "Tell." "Please don't get angry after I told you because it was over a long time ago and it's not going to happen ever again." "Say it." "Well.....she likes my big friend very much." "Who is that?" Scratching the back of his neck, he pointed to his crotch. Eee.....

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