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CHAPTER THIRTY EIGHT | small price to pay for the gift of sight

Lucie left her small home for what could've been the last time. Thomas had told her she'd live with him, however his flat was no better that her damp home. Yet she still got up every morning and left.

It had just turned December, frost lay on the bushes, coating windowsills and door frames. Lucie moved to walk through the cobbles streets.

Her small black heels made her presence known to those outside. She wore a dress for once. Only a plain blue one, but it wasn't the style everyone loved.

Lucie walked straight past the Garrison, causing John to run after her once he'd seen her through the window.

"Mornin' John, Love." Lucie smiled.

"Right, I've got to remind you, Friday. Michael's birthday, here by seven Tommy said." John replied breathless.

Lucie smiled and nodded her head, waving a small goodbye she carried on to her destination. Since it was a Sunday morning, her destination would be filled with people. Who would no doubt wish to leave once they'd seen Thomas Shelby's girlfriend appear.

The walk into the Church was oddly terrifying, Lucie had never set foot in the church since she killed the Irish man.

She arrived as the service entered its last prayer, Lucie sat silently on the pew at the back, closing her eyes and bowing her head.

"Amen." The congregation spoke.

Lucie stated seated as all those in front of her began to stand. The priest was notified by an older woman that a Shelby was present. Soon enough the priest ushered everyone to the back of the church for tea, making sure they did not enter.

Lucie knew the priest would ask her to leave or tell her Shelbys are not welcome in God's house. The bitter old woman stood beside the priest as he wandered to Lucie. She stood to address him.

"Mrs Shelby, your presence has caused the congregation unrest." The priest spoke, his voice soft yet firm.

"Father, my name is not Shelby, it's Scott. Now I would like to spend my time here." Lucie replied smiling.

The woman behind the priest looked red with anger. Clearly she wasn't a fan of the infamous Peaky Blinders. Which is most likely what prompted her to shout from behind the priest.

"She's Tommy Shelby's! I tell you she is! I've seen her by his side, she's his!"

"I am nobody's. I am not property, I am human. Now if the name Shelby gives you unrest." Lucie walked past the priest to the accusing woman. "I'm sure it's a small price to pay for the gift of sight we could just as easily take away."

The woman looked utterly mortified, walking hastily past Lucie into the room filled with 'unrest'. Lucie smiled softly at the priest and decided to leave.

Once Lucie had left the church she heard the familiar clang of metal on the cobbles. The grew louder as he came closer. Lucie pulled out a lighter and lit the cigarette hanging from her lips.

𝐘𝐎𝐔  𝐂𝐀𝐍'𝐓  𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐏  𝐈𝐓                a thomas shelby fanfiction  [✓]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora