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CHAPTER THIRTY ONE | a shell has dropped

Lucie and her parents closed the shop for the day and sat in the back. Oh how she'd missed them. They talked about how Camden Town had been for them the past few years. She loved the stories they told. But one interested her most.

"So I went to find this 'baker'. Turns out he's not a baker. But he comes round for drinks sometimes. Lovely man. Scary voice." Michael, her father finished.

"Hold on, you two are friends with Alfie Solomon's?" Lucie gasped.

"Well yeah, we make his suits." Her mother chipped in.

"Will you tell me where his bakery is? I have to meet him tomorrow, maybe?" Lucie smiled at her parents.

They hesitated before her father answered. "Alright, but don't get into any trouble."

"So, Love. Tell us about Birming-ham. How've you been. How's finding work, have those Peaky Blinders kept away? Hope you've been in no trouble." Her mother asked, holding her hands.

"Well, I worked in a florists for a while. But it wasn't what I enjoyed. So, I went to work as a barmaid in the Garrison." Lucie bit her lip in anticipation.

"The Garrison." Her mother exploded. "Those Peaky Blinders drink there. Oh, they best not have caused you any trouble. I'll break their fingers."

"Mum, it's fine." Lucie laughed. " Anyway. I ended up befriending Polly Gray, she's the Shelby's Aunt. Now mum before you explode again. Yes. The Shelby's are gangsters. But so is Mr Solomons. The Shelby's are good people."

"I'll take your word for it." Her parents both repeated.

"So, I am in fact close with the Shelby's. They keep me safe, give me a job and a roof over my head, friends too." Lucie smiled.

"Well then, tell us about them all." Micheal smiled, taking a sip of tea.

"Well, Ada. She's the sister. You will remember the name Freddie Thorne won't you?" Lucie questioned.

"Yes, we can't ever thank him enough." Marie smiled, with teary eyes.

"He knows how thankful you are. He is the father of Ada's child Karl. She lives not far from here now. She married him and everything. But he died. She lives in a house her brother bought and works and looks after Karl, her son. I've stayed with her the past few days." Lucie smiled.

"Thank you. For telling that man. How thankful we are." Michael smiled and held onto his daughter's hand.

"So onto the next. Finn. He's the youngest. I would take him to the cut when he was younger, we'd buy sweets or I'd make a picnic and spend the day if it was nice. Just to get him out of everyone's way. I'm teaching him how to read currently." Lucie smiled and her parents did too.

"You're so kind." Marie smiled.

"And then there's John. He was married. But she died whilst he was away at war. He was a single father with four children. So his brother arranged him a marriage. Lovely girl. Esme. We're best friends. She's like a sister. And then the eldest Arthur. He's a ball of fluff that one. Acts all scary but he's so sweet. Always there for me. When it was late close at the Garrison he'd stay and we'd talk for the night."

"Well they seem nicer than expected. So anything else happen?" Michael questioned.

Lucie looked down at her cup and smiled, she still hadn't told them of Thomas.

"Actually, there's one more Shelby. Thomas." Lucie didn't look up.

"The man who shot Billy Kimber." Marie gasped.

"He's lovely really mum, he did it to protect everyone. Honestly." Lucie pleaded.

Marie narrowed her eyes and lent back in her chair. "Right then, I feel like there's gonna be a shell dropped in a minute."

Lucie sighed and laughed at her mother's remark.

"Thomas is my boyfriend." Lucie saw her mother get ready to speak.

"Marie, just listen to her." Michael stated.

"He cared for his family, and he won medals in the war. He keeps everyone safe. Mum honestly he's lovely, really. You'd like him. Come up to Small Heath if you like. The Garrison opens again in two weeks. Come meet them all. I'll pay for the train tickets. Stay with me?"

"We'll think about it." Marie smiled.

"Oh I met Auntie Ad. And Isabelle. She's happy and Isabelle is beautiful." Lucie spoke.

Her parents smiled, they hadn't seen Adeline in a long time.

Lucie and her parents made their way home. It was a small home but home never the less. Lucie loved having her parents with her. She'd missed them. It still felt empty however. Her brothers weren't with her. But she still had her parents.

Laying in the small spare bed was letting Lucie remember all the fun times she spent in Manchester. She'd missed them. But Lucie enjoyed the freedom of Small Heath.

When she woke there was a note and a key on her nightstand.
'Morning Sweetheart,
We've had to go, we had an appointment in Heathrow. We're sorry to miss you this morning. We wanted you to have a key for the house, in case you ever come back for a while. We've left you Mr Solomon's address and our number of the house and the shop. We love you.
Mum and Dad x'

Lucie smiled at the letter, she wanted to keep it. So she found a spare piece of paper to write her parents a note for when they returned.
'Mum, Dad,
I've missed you so much and really loved being with you yesterday. Thank you for the address and your number. I'll leave you my address, Polly's address as well as the Garrison telephone number. Please come visit, or write to me, Thomas and the Shelbys would love to meet you.
Love, Luce. x'

Lucie left the home and attempted to find Mr Solomon's 'bakery'. She took one last look at the home and held her key tight, smiling.

She left, it took a while to find Alfie's bakery, but eventually she did. Beside the water, it wasn't a beautiful country stream. Instead a discoloured river with smoke and boats.

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