"I'll give you three some privacy. Please hit the call light if you need anything."

As the NICU nurse shut the door, Izuku made his way over to Ochako's side, carrying their newborn baby in his arms.

"Hey, Reiko. That's your mom. You're beautiful just like her. She worked so hard to bring you into the world. We love you so much, and we can't wait to take you home with us. Your big sister Eri has been waiting for you for a long time."


"I'm here." He responded to her faint little whisper, bringing Reiko to her beside.

"I'm so glad you're okay.."

She wiped the tears that were streaming down his face. The two new parents turned their attention to their newborn who continued to rest peacefully in her father's arms.

"Reiko." Ochako smiled as she gently stroked one of her rosy cheeks.

The smallest but most adorable smile formed on baby Reiko's lips in response to her mother's touch.

Izuku and Ochako both felt their hearts swell at the sight.

A little while later, Eri and Inko arrived to the hospital. Upon entering the room, the two found Ochako lying in bed while Izuku was sitting next to her, cuddling the sleeping baby in his arms.

Eri rushed to her mother's side to give her the biggest hug.

"Momma.. I'm so glad you're okay. I don't know what I would have done without you.." She sniffled into her shoulder.

Ochako began to stroke Eri's hair. "I'm okay, Eri. I'm here. The doctor said I'm going to be just fine."

She began to rub her back as she felt Eri's grip around her tighten. "It's okay, sweetheart. I'm not going anywhere. I love you."

"I-I love you too, m-momma." Ochako wiped Eri's tears as Izuku wrapped his arms around both of their shoulders.

"Group hug!" He stated as he kissed Eri's temple, wrapping an arm around his wife and daughter.

"We love you, our little butterfly."

Eri then wrapped her arms around Izuku before her attention turned to the chubby, pink-cheeked baby in his other arm.

Her eyes widened at the sight of her new baby sister. She put a hand over her mouth in order not to squeal and disturb other patients in the maternity ward.

"I-is that really her? She's actually here??" Happy tears began to form in Eri's eyes as she approached her parents and baby sister.

"Would you like to hold her?" Izuku asked.

Eri nodded excitedly as she reached out her arms to cradle the infant as Izuku carefully placed her into her big sister's arms.

"Make sure to support her head. She can't hold it up on her own."

"Hello there. I'm your big sister Eri. Momma, papa, and I have been waiting for you for a long time. I'm so happy you're here. I can't wait to play with you and share all my old toys. I promise to look after you and be the best big sister I can be."

She gently placed a kiss on Reiko's forehead before handing her back to Izuku.

Inko walked and stood next to the now family of four, admiring her new grandchild.

"AW! Aren't you just the most precious thing?"

As Inko continued to babble gibberish to her, the three laughed.

"Whaaat? She's just the cutest thing aside from you, Eri dear."

"Gee, thanks, mom." Izuku teased.


About an hour went by, and the Midoriya's and Inko couldn't get enough of baby Reiko. Her rosy, plump cheeks and curly green hair were irresistible.

Since Ochako had to stay in the hospital for the next several days, Inko volunteered to keep Eri while Izuku stayed with Ochako.

Eri made her promise to bring her back to the hospital after school each day to which Inko agreed.

"We'll see you guys later. Get some rest you two." Inko waved as she exited the room.

"Bye bye for now, baby sister. I love you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me besides momma and papa. You've completed our family."

With one last kiss on the head, Eri hugged her parents and left with her grandmother.


"I wonder if she'll have a quirk." Izuku stated.

"Let's see.." Ochako opened Reiko's tiny hand. "Nope. There's no pads here, so she probably won't have mine."

"Then that means.. she'll be quirkless..?"

Izuku hung his head. This is what he feared ever since finding out about his wife's pregnancy. He didn't want his daughter to go through what he did.

The years of bullying took its toll on him, but he was fortunate enough to have met All Might and his life was forever changed.

"Izuku.." Ochako lifted his chin.

"It doesn't matter if she has a quirk or not. Look at her. She's perfect. I can't believe something this miraculous could have came from little ordinary me. She's our little girl. We're going to teach her that she can do anything she puts her mind to regardless of having a quirk or not."

Izuku smiled down at the sleeping infant in Ochako's arms. He placed his forehead against hers and closed his eyes.

"You're right. She's healthy and happy. You're healthy and happy. We have each other, Eri, and now little Reiko. They're blessed to have the best mother. We're now complete."

"For now anyways." Ochako replied.

Izuku's eyes shot open. "Huh?!"

"Oh, Izuku, I'm teasing you. If we do ever have another baby, let's please wait awhile. I don't want to go through all that again just yet."

Izuku chuckled.

"Agreed. Let's get some sleep."

• • • • •

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