Part 1: All Grown Up

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"Eri! Come on! We're going to be late!" Ochako called from downstairs.

"Coming, momma!"

Eri shouted in reply as she grabbed her backpack. She raced down the stairs before bumping into her father, causing her to lose her balance.

He wrapped his arm around her back to catch her before she fell backwards.

"Eri, are you okay?" He asked with concern.

She began to giggle. "Yes, papa. Sorry."

"Don't run down the stairs. You'll fall and get hurt."

"Okay. I'm sorry." She shyly smiled.

Izuku returned a warm, loving smile to his daughter.

"I just don't want you to get hurt. Now, go meet your mom in the kitchen. She's waiting for you."

He gave her a kiss on the forehead and wished her a good first day of school.

"Here's your lunch, honey."

"Thanks, momma."

Eri smiled as she took her lunch box from her mother and stuck it in her backpack. Ochako shuffled about trying to find anything that she may have forgotten for Eri's big first day.

"Oh, my gosh. 7:30 already? Good thing we live close to the school, but we have to go."

Eri followed her mother out the door. She climbed into the car and buckled her seatbelt. Izuku waved and smiled at his wife and daughter from the front door.

"Bye! I love you guys! Have a great first day, Eri, and have a great day, honey!"

His wife and Eri waved back at him from the car as they drove off.


This was it. Eri grabbed her things from the car and told her mother goodbye as she left for work.

"Here we go."

Eri took a deep breath and walked towards the front door of her first day at Aldera Junior High.


The day flew by and Eri couldn't wait to tell her parents about her first day of middle school. She thought it would be sentimental for her father to hear since he attended the same middle school all those years ago.

"Hey, papa?" Eri became a little confused.

Usually her mom picked her up from school. "Hey, sweetie. Your mom had to stay later at work since there was a villain attack."

Izuku checked his rear view mirror to get a glimpse of her face to check for any concern.

"Don't worry though. Your mom is the toughest hero I know." He said confidently.

"I know, papa. Momma's the strongest woman I know. She'll be fine. She's a great hero."

She smiled.


"Why are we pulling into a supermarket, papa?"

"I figured you and I could cook dinner tonight and surprise momma. What do you think?"

A wide smile grew on Eri's face.

"Yes, papa! Let's do it!"

The duo headed into the supermarket in search for tonight's dinner.

"Let's see. I figured we could make our favorite, katsudon, (pork cutlet bowl) and then we can make some homemade mochi for momma."

"That sounds great, papa! Mmmm. Katsudon.."

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