Part 17: A Birthday to Remember

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A/N: There's been a time skip to a month later! This chapter may be a little lengthy, but I promise I'll make it worth it! Thank you for your patience!


Saturday, December 14, 2019

A month flew by. The days seemed to just come and go. With each passing day, the two pairs of excited parents-to-be became more and more eager to meet their bundles of joy.

Ochako and Momo had contacted some of their girl friends, and they all agreed to go shopping for the babies.

Ochako and Eri picked up Momo and headed for the mall to meet with the other previous Class 1-A girls.

"This is so exciting! I can't wait to shop for baby clothes!" Mina exclaimed.

"I can't either! They're so tiny and cute! We get to shop for both baby boy and girl clothes!" Hagakure squealed.

"There's not a chance either of you could be having twins, right?" Jiro teased.

Both expectant mothers stared at her with shocked expressions. They exchanged looks before shouting, "NO!" in unison.

"I-I mean. I wouldn't mind it, but Shoto and I only have one crib in the nursery." Momo stated nervously as she began to play with her hair.

"Y-yeah. Same here. Izuku and I only have one crib." Ochako added while rubbing the back of her head. "Plus, we aren't quite ready for three kids if we do decide to have three someday."

"I'm just teasing you guys. Neither of you look big enough to be having twins." Jiro laughed.

"All jokes aside, let's get this shopping trip started!" Mina chimed.

The girls began walking through the mall with Mina stopping the group and dragging them into every maternity and/or baby store that she could find.

"Oh! Try this on, Ochako! Ooh, this would look great on you, Momo!"

Mina placed a hat on Momo's head and gave Ochako a pink sweatshirt.

"Uh. I don't think this fits.." Ochako stated after trying it on over her shirt.

The sweatshirt almost fit like a crop top on her.

"Hey, moms can rock crop tops too." Mina stated.

"Well, yes, but not this mom." Ochako slipped off the form fitting sweatshirt.

"I promised Eri that we would find a new outfit today for her birthday." She informed her friends.

"Do you know what kind of outfit you're looking for, Eri?" Tsuyu asked.

Eri shook her head. "Not exactly. I just wanted something to wear to my birthday party. It's Christmas themed."

"Ooh, I know just the thing!"

Mina grabbed Eri's hand and took off towards another store.

"Mina! Wait for us!" Toru exclaimed as the her floating clothes dashed through the mall after Mina.

By the time the other girls had caught up to an overly excited Mina and Toru, Eri was already in a new outfit.

"So whatcha think, Eri?" Mina asked as she crouched down next to her.

"Um. It's very Christmassy, Aunt Mina." She stated nervously.

Mina had taken the words "Christmas themed" to heart and dressed Eri in a fully decked out red dress with white fur around the ends of the sleeves and the hem at the bottom.

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