Part 14: What'll It Be?

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"What about Akari for a girl?"

"That's pretty. What about Toshinori for a boy?"

"How did I know you'd want to name the baby after All Might if it's a boy?" Ochako teased.

Izuku laughed. He knew he wanted to honor his favorite hero's legacy in some way. All Might would be honored to have his successor's son named after him.

"What about Eri Jr.?" Eri suggested with a giggle.

"Ah, I think one Eri is enough. There can't be another person like you."

Izuku tickled her as he placed her on the couch next to him and Ochako.

"Whatcha reading?" Eri peeped over at the book in Izuku's hands.

"It's a baby name book." He informed her.

"Ahh. I still like Eri Jr." She teased.

Ochako's phone buzzed, alerting her of a text message.

"It's from Momo. She said she and Todoroki just found out that they're having a boy! How exciting!"

She showed Eri and Izuku the ultrasound picture that Momo had sent to her.

Eri examined the picture in amazement. "He's got cute chubby cheeks!" She giggled. "I can't wait to see my brother or sister again. When do we find out which it is, momma?"

"Tomorrow." Ochako smiled.

Eri clapped her hands. "I can't wait! I can't wait!"


The big day finally came. The Midoriya's headed for the hospital to meet with their long awaited appointment with Dr. Akamine. Upon arriving to the hospital, the family was in for a shock.

They heard a woman screaming in panic nearby. They saw nurses and doctors rushing over to her. The woman had evidentially gone into labor in the waiting room. The medical staff rushed to transfer her into a delivery room.

"That was scary, momma. Is she gonna be okay?" Eri asked shyly from behind Ochako's leg.

She had instantly grabbed Ochako's leg out of instinct when she heard the woman panicking.

"Yes. I'm sure she'll be fine. The doctors and nurses are very good here." Ochako reassured her.

Once Ochako had been checked in at the front desk, she went to take a seat with her family. Izuku helped her lower herself into the chair. Ochako took a deep breath once she had been seated and placed a hand over her belly.

It had grown significantly over the past few weeks. Ochako could hardly manage to bend over anymore at all and she could only see half of her feet when she stood.



"Ugh. Why do I have to feel so big? I feel like I can't hardly get around independently anymore, and I constantly feel like a whale!"

Ochako stood in front of a mirror and examined her belly from the front and the side.

On the other hand, Izuku thought she was perfect, and he couldn't get enough of her. He loved cuddling with her and feeling the baby.

"I think you're perfect. More than that, actually." He said as he kissed her belly.

In reality, Ochako's bump wasn't overly large, especially for her small frame. She had a perfectly round, medium sized bump.

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