Part 21: Miracles

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Laughter. Sunshine. She remembered everything as if it were yesterday. It was one of the days that would change their lives forever—the day he asked her to marry him.

He decided to take her to see the cherry blossom trees since they were in perfect bloom as well as being her favorite flora.

She dreamt about how they danced among the falling, soft, pink petals when he suddenly got down on one knee and spoke words that would forever be etched into her heart.


Todoroki and Momo were able to sleep for a couple more hours until Momo was awoken from her dream by a sharp pain.

Her whimpering instantly awoke Shoto, and acting on instinct, he held her close and comforted her.

"It's okay, sweetheart. It's okay. I'm here."

After the pain subsided, she lightened her grip on his arm and panted heavily.

"Th-that w-was more painful.."

The midwife checked Momo's progress once again.

"You're at about 5 cm. You're halfway there."

Momo let out a disappointed sigh. "W-what time is it?"

Todoroki wiped the sleep from his eyes as he looked over at the clock.

"It's 1:45 a.m."

Momo had now been in labor for the past 12 hours, and she already felt as if she couldn't take any more.

"Mrs. Todoroki, maybe you should try to get more rest. You're going to need your strength." The midwife implied.

"No, no. I'm up. I feel like I need to move around anyways." She threw the blankets off of herself as she slid off the side of the bed.

"I'll come too."

"No, Shoto. You should get some sleep."

"No, I'm not leaving your side." He insisted.

Momo sighed in defeat. She put on her robe and headed out of the bedroom, making her way out onto the front porch. Shoto followed, bringing a thick blanket with him.

Once outside, Momo sat on one of the steps as he wrapped part of the blanket around her shoulders. He then sat next to her, wrapping the other part around himself and leaned against her shoulder.

"This is crazy. Where did the time go? Just yesterday, it seems like you and I were teammates against Mr. Aizawa for our finals. Now, we're married and having our first child together.."

Her words trailed off as she closed her eyes contentedly.

"Thank you for putting your faith in me." Momo said as she leaned her head against his.

"I've always had faith in you. I have more faith in you to do this more than I ever have, Momo." He gently kissed the top of her head.

Momo's lips formed into a small smile. Her brief state of bliss was interrupted by another sharp pain.

Shoto grabbed her hand and held her close.

The midwife peeked her head out the door.

"Mr. and Mrs. Todoroki, I would suggest coming back inside now. It's freezing. I'll prepare some tea."

"Okay, thank you." Shoto thanked the midwife and helped Momo back inside.

Once the tea was ready, he grabbed a cup for the both of them.

"Thank you, dear." Momo accepted the steaming cup of tea as her husband sat next to her.

The midwife sat in a chair across from them.

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