Part 27: Prayers

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"Start carbatocin to stimulate contractions to get the bleeding to stop!"

Dr. Akamine continued to massage Ochako's abdomen in order to stop the bleeding. A nurse put an oxygen mask over her face as well as administer carbatocin through her IV.

Her heart was still beating, but it was very faint.

"Come on, Mrs. Midoriya! Stay with us! You have a little baby girl waiting for you. Your family is waiting for you. You've got to fight!"

Suddenly, Ochako's vitals began to stabilize and her bleeding began to slow.

"Thank heavens!" Dr. Akamine stated, relieved.

"I knew you were a fighter, Mrs. Midoriya. You gave us quite the scare."

Ochako slowly began to open her eyes

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Ochako slowly began to open her eyes. "W-what happened? W-where am I? Where's my baby? How is she?"

"Mrs. Midoriya, it's Dr. Akamine. You're in the OR. You were bleeding out. We were awaiting the delivery of the placenta, but I believe it ruptured, causing you to hemorrhage. It's under control now, and you're going to be okay. We need to give you blood, medication, and fluids, but you'll be just fine."

"M-my husband. W-Where is he?" She attempted to raise her head in order to scan the room.

"He's with your daughter, Mrs. Midoriya. He didn't have time to scrub and get changed into sterile attire in order to enter the OR. We rushed you back here immediately, so he went with your daughter to the NICU."

"T-the NICU? Is something wrong?"

"No, ma'am. At this hospital, we always take newborns there to get a thorough check up. She seemed perfectly healthy, so she should be able to stay with you if all is well. Now, please get some rest, Mrs. Midoriya. I'm going to finish getting you cleaned up and then we'll take you back to your room. I'll have the NICU inform your husband about you."

Ochako simply nodded and weakly smiled in appreciation. She was exhausted and fell asleep within minutes after her conversation with Dr. Akamine.


Izuku held his newborn daughter closely, a few tears escaping down his cheeks and onto her blanket.

"S-sorry, Reiko. I'm just worried about your mom.."

"Mr. Midoriya? Dr. Akamine informed me that your wife is okay. She's asleep right now, but they managed to get her bleeding to stop. She'll be taken back to her room and monitored for the next few days."

Izuku felt a huge weight taken off his chest at the nurse's words.

"Thank you so much!" Tears began to pour down his cheeks as a sense of relief rushed over him.

After Reiko's checkup, she, Izuku, and the NICU nurse headed back towards Ochako's room. Upon arrival, they slowly opened the door and quietly walked in as to not wake her.

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