Part 22: Illusions

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"It's almost time, my dear. Any day now."

Ultimatum cradled her cheek in his hand. She couldn't look at him. She couldn't bear the shame of her agreement to do what he ordered, but she knew it was necessary in order to regain her freedom.

It had been so long since she had been able to enjoy the sunshine or even wake up in her own home. She dreamt every night that she was back in his arms—back to where she knew she was at home.


She hardly knew the meaning of the word anymore. This cell had become her home for the past six excruciating months. She was drained, exhausted, and frustrated.

She activated her quirk against him, but it had little effect. All it did was anger him. He used his quirk to elevate her in mid air, a tight force around her neck.

Her chains rattled as she struggled to break free from his telekinetic hold.

"You know better than to do tricks like that. They won't work on me. I see right through them. Try to defy me again, and it'll be your last."

Without another word, he released his hold on her. She collapsed, gasping for air.

"I'm giving you one more chance. You only get one time to get this right or else I'll eliminate him."

"I-I don't care what happens to me! Just don't lay a finger on him!" She became so enraged by his threats that she wanted to strangle him then and there.

Ultimatum chuckled. "I'd watch my words, my dearest sweetheart. They'll get you into trouble."

He left the room, leaving her alone once again.


"AW! YOU'RE JUST SO ADORABLE!!" Mina squealed as she poked baby Hino's cheek.

"Kirishima! Let's have one!" His face turned as red as his hair.

"Uh. Let's get married first and then we'll talk about it in the future."

"AND YOU! OH MY GOODNESS YOU ARE THE MOST PRECIOUS THING!" She clasped her hands together as she then fangirled over Rei who was wondering who on earth was throwing such a fuss over him.

"Thank you, Mina." Momo laughed.

"They're my little men." Kirshima stated as he congratulated the two new parents.

"Have you two planned anything more regarding your wedding?" Momo asked.

Mina nodded as she began counting on her fingers. "Yep! I've got my dress, the venue has been reserved, and all the other wedding stuff is done. You know how it is. We're already only 2 months away. I can't believe it!"

"I'm so happy for you two." Momo smiled. "Hopefully I'll be able to fit into my bridesmaids dress by then."

"I made sure that each girl's dress was elastic so they would fit comfortably regardless." Mina gleamed.

"Perfect. Thank you for taking Ochako and I into consideration." She giggled.

"Well, we better head out. Kirishima and I have a few more decorations to pick up. We'll see you two later."

Mina then turned to the babies.

"See you soon, baby cakes!"

She was infatuated with them. Kirishima had to pry her away from snuggling the twins.


"I just can't believe it, Shoto. Twins. They're just so perfect. I'm so glad the midwife said that they were both perfectly healthy. It's a dream come true."

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